3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
[RP maybe] Talking with some friends about potentially joining their game with supernatural themes. One of my character ideas is just
latest #30
3 years ago
Alien that pretends to be a human just. Really unconvincingly
3 years ago
Basically the Steve Buscemi "hello fellow kids" meme:
3 years ago
Which lead me to think maybe... maybe he does just look like young Steve Buscemi.
3 years ago
^That face is exactly the level of earnest and "oh, I think I am doing this well!" I'd be going for
3 years ago
Omg that would be amazing
3 years ago
Imagine this face asking, "May I have one of your earth-twinkies so that I may partake in human metabolic processes? As we humans are known to do?'
3 years ago
"Greetings fellow human teenagers. Shall we go to the establishment known as "Ruby's Diner" which I am lead to believe is a popular location for an activity known as "hanging out"?"
3 years ago
...Not sure if the bit is sustainable long-term, but could make for a good "dip my toes in the water" minor character while getting a feel for the game.
I mean I think it could be sustainable depending on what kind of long term development you'd want alien to have
thinking real hard about Ax from animorphs
3 years ago
You've got a good point about long term development. That really should be the main thing to aim for since that's where the sustainability would come from.
3 years ago
I've got about... 4? Sketchy potential character ideas to play off of.
3 years ago
So I probably need to lurk the threads a bit and see what jumps out at me.
3 years ago
(Right now the half-fish-person or fae changeling ideas probably have the best tie-ins for a long term story arc. Since both would have a "find out more about my origins/where I came from and what that means for me, a teenager" story hooks)
I love them already.
3 years ago
Ahaha, yay~
3 years ago
hee, that's always fun
3 years ago
3 years ago
Ooh, there’s a term for it! Of course there’s a term for it--but yes! Good times!
3 years ago
Okay, so what I am leaning more towards making (because I have better ideas for a background). Is a girl who is a theatre/performing arts buff who is visiting The Weird Town because her dad lives there and the weird powers she gets imbued with while visiting are siren-like.
3 years ago
...Which leads me to realize. I am basically just making another bard character.
3 years ago
This would make my... third bard-ish character? LOOK. I CAN STOP ANY TIME I WANT!!
3 years ago
(might still pick up the alien as an NPC/secondary character, tho)
3 years ago
Also, thinking about how these powers would play out. The upside to the powers: they could result in great moments of Persuasion and Charisma, obviously.
Downside is I am thinking: draws the Attention of things you don't want to get attention from (aka: the eldritch beings in the area)
3 years ago
Maybe she has one (1) physically offensive attack (Black Canary-ish scream) the nerf being she might well take a bit of damage from her own attack.
3 years ago
And OF COURSE I am going to crib Cutting Words from the actual 5e D&D spec. She is a high school aged kid, she probably had this in her repertoire before Weird Powers came into play.
3 years ago
LMAO class ability for high school girls
3 years ago
I mean, if anyone can deal psychic damage without trying, it’s teenagers
3 years ago
(Teenagers and toddlers. My dad still avoids singing in front of people because I told him to stop at 3 y.o. >_> )
3 years ago
akska oh no... IT'S TRUE THO
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