i don't think i've ever seen an SA controversy this polarizing from the get-go
this sucks for me personally as i have had a shameful crush on vinny for years
and no matter what the truth is that crush is gone now :|
what are the actual allegations... i keep hearing rumblings of this but have not actually seen what was said?!
i really like vinny so i'm hoping these are exaggerations or not true... i keep hearing that it's /v/ trying to take him down
it seems to just be allegations of... sex?! i read the victims' google doc and honestly don't know what the issue was ?? like yea he's having sex with fans but it was consensual and they were of age so i don't understand
i find most of this to be plausible except for those goddamn email screenshots 😭 they literally look so fake
and if those are fake i mean it kind of discredits the rest of the story
OKAY YEAH... that's what i'd heard too...
this lines up with what i know... it seems awfully fishy to me
i always want to believe the accusers but the evidence here seems really weird
iirc vinny also made a statement about this recently, i need to find it again
as for the emails i've seen a couple of solid arguments as to why they're fake:
1. vinny only sends out emails on sundays and some of these were on different days of the week
2. that has never been his email pfp
3. that email account is shared by a few other members of his team so it's doubtful he'd ask for nudes on there
4. he was streaming when one of the emails was sent
yes he put it on the extra sauce channel!!
honestly he sounded soooo devastated it was pretty upsetting
i'm praying this is fake but it kind of sucks ass either way
but also i cant unhear the audio clip of him talking about the s word (s-s-sex) and it skeeves me out, even if that was fake
it sounds kind of like what just happened to that game grumps guy
either vinny is maybe a bad guy (?? although i'm still not sure what the bad thing he did here was other than pressuring people to be quiet) or people are trying to frame him which makes it harder for actual victims

youtubers were a mistake
which makes me even more wary of giving this my true belief because is this what we're doing now, calling video game youtubers predators because they have sex with people...
i've heard that as well pia :/ i'm not a fan of game grumps but that was so shitty and those allegations were paper thin
LMAO so true sib i thought vinny was a god but i have been proven wrong
these seem flimsy enough that i'm not willing to condemn him yet but we will see ig
if it's true what they're saying about this being planned / people purposely framing vinny, that makes me indescribably angry... we have come so far in giving victims the power they deserve and this will set us back so much
I'M JUST TIRED so many youtubers i previously liked have been revealed to be scumbags LMFAO
yes.... unfortunate indeed...... this is the first time it's happened to a youtuber i actively watch so its so freaking weird
cryaotic had victims with actual identities which would make this situation a lot more believable
yeah that's what it is really
like i am at a point where i am very ready to believe any given youtuber is scum with even one credible allegation but the problem is this isn't like...credible, really
I mean I'm gonna be honest, the only ~problematic part in the whole call out is the alleged std, if he even knew he had it
otherwise it's an adult man having consensual sex with adult women, who maybe feel upset they were one night stands and that's a valid feeling, but
imo that's not assault and that's not worthy of a cancellation callout and only serves to weaken any actual predatory behavior callouts in the future
i remember with the dan stuff people were talking about how toxic it is to ghost and ONS people and like idk what world we're living in that this hasn't been a typical sexual practice for like...all of time
like you have to illustrate that situation as really manipulative to make it something worth side-eyeing imo
also I believe one of the people mentioned in this (not the person who wrote the account, but the one they mentioned about bus tickets?) came forward on twitter and said that their story was misrepresented in this to be more sinister
so a lot of this, even if I want to generally believe victims, is super shady, but in the end it also just boils down to man and woman agree to and have sex and there are hurt feelings involved probably. which is not "this youtuber is a predatory sex pest and needs to be deplatformed"
why is this happening is my question

why is online culture getting so toxic
i feel like the lines of being shitty and being actually harmful just keep getting more and more blurred bc it's just so easy to cancel ppl
someone with an axe to grind? idefk
if all of it is true, then i still don't see vinny as a bad person. like yeah he'd be a bit shittier but i don't think he deserves to get cancelled
it's really detrimental that shit like this happens when there are actually bad people out there committing actual crimes
it really is so upsetting

but at the same time social media and twitter specifically have helped to unearth a lot of actually bad shit that celebs have done so it's such a complex issue
YEAH... i think it's a result of the way the internet has sort of centralized onto a handful of platforms. everything is public and every community has overlap... which is both good and bad bc both small and big problems get the same gigantic platform
that's a great point i never really thought of it like that
it's good when it helps root out the actually bad shit but it's unfortunate when it's used to crucify people in front of an audience that largely doesn't have enough information to make a judgement
reject modernity embrace tradition
i've been thinking about it a lot bc of the election stuff LMAO i feel like it's a huge insidious problem with the way information is dispersed and i have no idea how it can be fixed at this point
i honestly don't think it can be, but i think this is preferable in any case since at least some good is being done
i think it's also just this like...over purification of everything
like celebrities are allowed to fuck around and just because they are at times horny and act on it doesn't mean they're a bad person or scuzzy
like i think we've gotten so sick of male chauvinism that we're swinging a bit too far in the opposite direction