3 years ago So this was just straight up parked in the gas station across from work.
latest #40
3 years ago
ACTUAL submarine!!!
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
We were all like “is that what we THINK it is??”
My Knee
3 years ago
I have questions
3 years ago
I wish I had answers!
3 years ago Here is the view from work before I decided to take my lunch break and get a closer picture
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
(thinking) I don't think that's a submarine.
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
The color suggests it's a lifeboat.
3 years ago
Oh!!! That makes so much more sense
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Ah, there we go! So it seems that's a lifeboat of a variety used on oil platforms. And a quick search reveals that the "Safe Britannia" (written at the front there) is an oil platform!
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
...but uh... even knowing what it is, the question remains of why does this guy have a life boat from a Singaporean oil platform?
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
3 years ago
I had found the oil platform! I just kind of... assumed they required submarines for maintenance or something. Again, life boat makes more sense!
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Huh. Yeah, needing some sort of submersible for maintenance would make sense.
3 years ago
And that is a very good question. We ARE off of a major interstate that eventually leads to the Gulf of Mexico. Maybe it’s going to be towed down there?
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Could be! Though I wonder if you can buy decommissioned or disused life boats for personal use...?
3 years ago
I wouldn’t be surprised! And we do have quite a few bodies of water in the area, including a deep man made lake
3 years ago
And it DOES seem to be an older model, looking at the other pictures of lifeboats online
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Think it's an old discarded model they upgraded from?
3 years ago
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Huh! Okay, I have a friend who knows a lot about maritime law: So this actually is something that happens. You do need to change some of the markings but otherwise it doesn't take much to make it legal to own and operate one; the necessary changes were probably made by the time the new owner received it.
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
At first I'd wondered if it might make things confusing having that thing out in the water, but thinking about, it's probably missing some emergency transponder or another inside that would identify it as an active lifeboat.
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
Still! That's a pretty cool thing to see. :-o
3 years ago
Ooh, that is neat!
That's super neat!! And I have SO MANY MORE QUESTIONS now that Prof has given us info
what brought this person to owning this. I am fascinated.,
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
I can't believe I'm about to google how much an old life boat costs
Ah, Nuts
3 years ago
But I wonder how it compares to a more 'typical' boat. Maybe it's just a good deal?
Liv's parents are considering buying an old tug boat so
then again boats are just A Lot to me in general LOL
3 years ago
Yeeeaaah, keeping boats up can be pricey, too. Although! Considering how water tight these things are
3 years ago
Maybe lifeboats require less upkeep than regular boats? (I say as if any have any clue, lol)
3 years ago
Huh, apparently you can get lifeboat and lifeboat accessories on auction: Used Lifeboats For Sale in Online Surplus Auctions |...
3 years ago
the questions continue to pile up....
Pen Again
3 years ago
3 years ago
oh wild
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