3 years ago
Probably not a huge surprise with how incommunicado I have been ICly and OOCly lately, but I'm pulling the bandaid off and dropping Leslie.
latest #24
3 years ago
Ugh, it feels bad, because gosh I love playing Leslie and I've had a wonderful time in Aefenglom, but I just don't have the energy right now.
3 years ago
3 years ago
I'm hoping that when I have finished up my two huge work projects by the end of April, I will have the energy to RP again, whehter by reapping to Aefenglom, picking up some PSLs/meme threads, or apping somewhere else, but I can't even get my actual job done and it's not about to change until like May.
3 years ago
I'd be up for some PSL/meme things when you have the time
3 years ago
That sounds excellent, when I do!
3 years ago
goodbye forever
3 years ago
Thank you to everyone who I've played with in Aefenglom. Thank you for the great threads and also the patience with my scatteredbrain-ness. Leslie (von Hresvelg) was so much fun to play and everyone was so welcoming for me plopping a pure child into a sex-friendly/horror elements game.
3 years ago
Intercession: As Ax has demonstrated, there's the defriending amnesty thing we usually say. Except I'm revoking it specifically for Ax.
perfect daughter was perfect
3 years ago
farewell forever
3 years ago
And perfect dad was also perfect.
3 years ago
mamoritai: Oh no I used up my revocation and I can only beg at Kyo's feet to stay.
3 years ago
hmmmm okay i'll let you stay but now you have to do my landscaping without pay
3 years ago
Counteroffer: the landscaping will be done, but I must be allowed to place sufficient bushes.
ahhh I'm sorry to see you go, but I had fun adopting Leslie
3 years ago
i'll allow it as long as the bushes really bring the yard together
sorry to see you go! i had fun with our cr and i hope killua and leslie to get to hang out again someday
take care of yourself <3
3 years ago
discontinued: I'll definitely miss Geralt a bunch! Those were some really good threads.
mamoritai: It will bring the yard together and be very spacious inside.
gunsandchocolate: Will do! I definitely would love it if the two get to meet again in some way, because I also had fun with it!
3 years ago
take care!
3 years ago
Will do!
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