3 years ago
Why does Tui not like time passing in her books? The second arc takes place in 3 days. 3 days! There's so little character exploration because of that D:
3 years ago
I wanted to see what Anemone could become, and how she might spiral down or be brought up by those around her! How Darkstalker would manipulate others (honestly Tui wrote him so poorly, oof) over time, how he might BENEFIT the NightWing tribe, Moonwatcher developing her abilities, Turtle coming to terms with his friends knowing he's an Animus...
3 years ago
A lot got glossed over and I can't even say "it's bc it's a kids book" because of shit like Animorphs LMAO
3 years ago
I read a lot of young reader books that were... more nuanced than most fiction published in YA circles today actually :U maybe I should backtrack and see if I can find some of that old stuff..?