Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
[meme] Hit with nostalgia since it has been so long, so thinkin' bout RP mains...
latest #18
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
My eternal backwards trace of Laharl on LJ... he carried me through far too many RP circles and that was a learning experience for sure
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
Minato was prolly my other big standard back in the day, he was always fun to go off with
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
Hayate ye ol' combat butler... that was a long one too
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
blue hair boys ruled over my mind I guess
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
But then on the opposite end of things I think my other two big stand outs were Hyobu my favorite nutso villain man and then... Totori the total opposite
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
I kinda miss RP sometimes but at the same time boy do I not miss keeping up with tags
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
If anything it's interesting to look back on the old RP days and see who I'm still in touch with
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
lotta folks I haven't talked to in years, some I chat with like once every few months, while one or two I talk to pretty much every night
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
1 AM thoughts
lulu 🌸
4 years ago
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
discord has made it both harder and easier to keep in touch with folks...
proxy ⚡
4 years ago
i just touch ur butt in mmo land now... even tho i feel like we never play together anymore there too
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
the woes of our raid times taking up the ideal times to do things...
4 years ago
i still fondly look back on your spiky white-haired boy... ao?! i'm trying to remember his name
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
Praise the Sun!
4 years ago
dumb manly drill boy
4 years ago
i was 50% there
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