4 years ago
its so windy outside. earlier i went to get some celebratory boba and i had to put actual effort into not getting bowled over. anyway contemplation/tdl i guess for the next few days
latest #10
4 years ago
so now i am FREE etc etc, mocha's going to be getting back to me whenever he wants to continue so i can Finally focus on other aspects of my life
4 years ago
one aspect: tomorrow i do taxes
4 years ago
i know mine arent terribly complex but its only like the... second? third? time i've done my own so its still kind of aaaaa
4 years ago
a second aspect: job
4 years ago
ive been unemployed for months and while i am still getting unemployment not having a job of any sort makes me, ahem, uneasy.
4 years ago
i don't have enough marked risk factors that baker decrees me worthy of a vaccine yet, but its very hard to quantify "literally always gets sick whenever something passes through and is knocked out by colds for like a week"
4 years ago
a third aspect: art twitter that i've been totally neglecting because of comm work and now i need to get that shit goin
4 years ago
my goal is to put up at least one thing per week on it moving forward!! something ive discovered is that growth is stimulated by consistent posting, rather than sporadic works every couple months
4 years ago
especially if i want to get comms rolling again. which I do.
4 years ago
................... also i havent done laundry in a while and it's piling up but uh, its supposed to be twenty ish degrees outside for the rest of the week so that's just gonna have to wait
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