3 years ago
Mr M woke me up at 1:45am full
on shouting like he was fending off a bear attack and then went peacefully back to deep sleep while I lay there for 10 minutes trying not to have a heart attack :-& and I wonder why I don’t sleep well.
Vic Lenoirre
3 years ago
Awww. My dad sometimes has nightmares. He'll be wailing and looking like he's fending off a monster. I'm not sure why.
Vic Lenoirre
3 years ago
Could you find out why he had the nightmare? He might have a problem on his mind that terrifies him. He should talk to someone about it.
3 years ago
The sleep app he uses shows a period of rem and then deep sleep at the time mine shows awake but he doesn’t remember a dream last night. It happens often, and if I do wake him he murmurs something about spiders before drifting off again
3 years ago
Mine sleeps almost silently. The only times I remember him mumbling in his speak he was mumbling something about failing a class at Uni.