3 years ago
Does anyone else get 504 gateway timeout errors trying to get or download MP transactions csv files? It’s making me cross!!
Izzie Bizzie
3 years ago
i get that error everytime when i'm looking for an order on MP, it's so annoying! sometimes it takes me like 10 minutes to find 1 order from a customer, because nothing loads
3 years ago
I’m getting it if I try to view or download more than 15 days worth of transactions in the orders.csv file. I suspect it’s something that LL have done because it’s been broken for months! It works for 15 days or less which is a PITA when you have 5 months to download :/
Allegory says
3 years ago
not especially helpful, but: i wrote myself a way to send marketplace transactions (as they come in) to my own database to be able to see it elsewhere YEARS ago because marketplace transaction downloads have always been awful for me.
Allegory says
3 years ago
15 days is awful- but i've never been able to reliably download more than a single month at a time without it timing out, ever. downloading all the years before i wrote up that thing to drop them in there too so it was all in one place really sucked :-)