4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
I should probably feel bad for subjecting Hector to sudden morality pet when all he really wanted was to check whether it was okay to let the cultists abduct someone for vile experimentation, but I'm too enthralled with the opportunity for slapstick.
latest #77
4 years ago
It is perfect
4 years ago
I'm glad.
4 years ago
In my mental timeline, I'm thinking that at the beginning of the kidnapping rumours, Leslie went some places when it was bright out and she kept to major roads, and after this close encounter of "wow so they're really kidnapping people out here" is when she started her current policy of "no leaving the house without an escort."
4 years ago
Except maybe to take Ferdie for a short run up and down the street within sight of the house. This dog needs his walks and he usually gets much longer ones.
4 years ago
That should be what really eats away at Hector as he goes deeper into cult stuff: the current state of affairs is denying a doggo his walkies.
4 years ago
Oh no, the thing to finally make him question a charismatic cult leader: but the DOG tho
4 years ago
He usually gets nice and long walks! Sometimes all the way to the shopping district!! He's dying of cabin fever!!!
4 years ago
"Hahaha, let's make a joke in this tag about Leslie being surprised by how much she wears her heart on her sleeve here! ...Which might be because for most of her life, no one paid enough attention to her to read anything from her body language as long as she was quiet. Oh no, I made myself sad now."
at least it's you and not me for a change. BE SAD FROM YOUR OWN CRIMES
4 years ago
I'm always sad from my own crimes.
4 years ago
I bought into this when I decided to play from a canon that basically averages one sad revelation about how bad Leslie's life used to be per chapter.
4 years ago
So I can't say I don't prepare myself for it. But I'm still always sad from my own crimes.
Now I'm sad from your crimes too
4 years ago
I considered saying nothing either here or in the tag, but then I decided to say it in both.
4 years ago
Forgive me, crime victims.
4 years ago
I decided to simultaneously release "Leslie canonically wears bonnets in the cold" and "Leslie received a tacky sweater for Modranicht" in one glorious mess of a winter outfit.
4 years ago
Thereby ruining any chance of someone thinking she knew how style worked. She's done well up until now, but it appears that was all luck.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Well, at least no one will miss her if she gets lost in the snow
4 years ago
She will certainly stand out.
4 years ago
I bet Hubert was rather uncertain about this one of Leslie's gifts. She would have shown him.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
I mean... different worlds, different fashions, and he isn't exactly a purveyor of it in Fodlan
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
(It's fucking ugly Leslie)
4 years ago
4 years ago
(It's full of friendship feelings!! Just like the completely arbitrary colour scribbles on a canvas she was given at one point and keeps in her room!)
4 years ago
Kaede is negative percent help with fashion advice, don't ask her
4 years ago
It's fine, she's positive percent help in giving a great pillow.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
/clown hat war flashbacks
4 years ago
...clown hat what
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
oh boy
4 years ago
I suddenly feel like the new person in town who asks a question and the entire bar goes dead silent as everyone stares at me before one of them tells me that it's better not to ask.
4 years ago
"We don't talk about those times."
4 years ago
https://imgs.plurk.com/QzI/twA/RvRubPHfmSjT0zWTlXfSeUwYv8L_lg.jpg I HEARD SOMEONE DIDN'T KNOW ABOUT THE STUPID HAT
4 years ago
and the rest of her outfit that time wasn't much more coordinated
4 years ago
......I see why you say she's not an expert on fashion.
4 years ago
No offence, Kaede.
4 years ago
since it was literally spare clothes people got out of their suitcases since they weren't moved in
4 years ago
And she just. Wears that in public
4 years ago
and during Incredible Violence
4 years ago
What I know of her canon leads me to believe that Incredible Violence is just the standard backdrop
4 years ago
4 years ago
I guess some of those aren't hideous separately.
4 years ago
Kaede will wear whatever people give her
4 years ago
use this power responsibly
4 years ago
unless she thinks it's silly looking, but her metric for that is, uh
4 years ago
4 years ago
Leslie's canonical fashion era is in the neighbourhood of the Victorian style of Aefenglom, so if she ever uses this power, it would be very period.
4 years ago
In Aef Kaede already tends to pick stuff that looks similar to what Maria wears, so that wouldn't look too amiss
4 years ago
4 years ago
The Small Child is the one helping Kaede read and also helping with clothes
4 years ago
They have different Tragic Backstories, and Leslie's involved education.
4 years ago
Kaede's formal education ended after like ten because she was busy being a murder cuckoo instead
4 years ago
And that's why Leslie does the reading, and Kaede does the murder.
4 years ago
The garden needs fertilizer!
4 years ago
A creative use of her skills??
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Oh Kaede can help with the murder but Hubert can't (nottalking)
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
This is double standards Sundad
4 years ago
look the Haunted Mansion needs to stay on-brand
4 years ago
Leslie, perhaps unwisely, trusts both of them to only use murder when it is necessary.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Define "necessary"
4 years ago
When the death will improve the world by an evil person's absence. (Leslie is a beacon of good but her moral compass has a few uncommon dials.)
4 years ago
Contact with Hubert has made her also add the possibility of "the person is not unforgivably evil, but is doing bad things and would cause more innocent deaths not killing them."
hey don't @ sundad about this
4 years ago
This reminds me! Canon Leslie actually threatened to murder someone in the most recent chapter!
4 years ago
And actually did murder a pack of predators who were going to eat her friend, but observing how Leslie reacted to this one allowed the bad guy to correctly deduce that Leslie wouldn't follow through on the threat (possibly because the bad guy was only being suspicious rather than threatening immediate harm).
4 years ago
It backed up my thoughts about how Leslie is willing to consider murder, but she is going against her nature when she does so. And also makes me wonder if Aef Leslie makes it to 16 how the people she hangs with would affect what she’d do in a similar circumstance.
4 years ago
I have several reasons why I picked Leslie out of multiple “very kind abused child goes to feared, supernaturally powerful noble family and receives love” protags, but one of them is that I enjoyed a protag who is simultaneously an extremely good and caring person but also is like “sometimes the best revenge is crushing people into the dirt or maybe murder.”
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Good protege
4 years ago
It will never stop amazing me how well Leslie and Hubert click.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
It's a little alarming honestly
4 years ago
It'll be fine. She has more influences than just a bunch of formal FE3Hs who repress everything.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
I mean more in the "the person Hubert feels the greatest kinship with is a 12/13 y.o. girl" haha
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
During his memories they were just like, yep, mood
4 years ago
LMAO yeah, it is not where I would have expected Hubert to find this connection.
4 years ago
I’m imagining if Hubert told someone who hasn’t met Leslie that he feels they’re a lot alike and they are imagining some goth kid but instead we get a fluffy and brightly-coloured girl who sometimes brings a stuffed animal with her.
4 years ago
Or the other way around.....
4 years ago
" "
4 years ago
They just arrived at similar conclusions from opposite ends of the personality spectrum.
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