Going into hospice Saturday. Might be permanent might not be. Super tired. Cancer is bei aggressive moe info later. Not losing me as a mod
latest #65
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
If anyone wants me to give them updates (I don't think she's capable of it, tbh), contact me on discord at Mandyz#0839 or message my plurk. And if you want our address to send her a card, let me know.
oh my god, I am so sorry to hear this. xoxo.
You're in my thoughts and prayers right now big time. ♥♥♥
3 years ago
more concerned about losing you as a friend, gdi karra
scram or die
3 years ago
thinking of you, big hugs
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that :-(
Pen Again
3 years ago
sending you all the best
keeping you in my thoughts ♥♥
3 years ago
oh no I'm so sorry ;w;
Thinking good thoughts for you /hugs
You are my friend, Karra
3 years ago
What Lucy said - more concerned about you than anything mod related <3
in my thoughts <3
3 years ago
One Night Star
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
Don’t worry about mod things. Take care of you.
3 years ago
Oh gods, wishing you feel better soon and beat the snot out of this.
Hooded Figure
3 years ago
^All of that. Sending all the best vibes for comfortable care and for recovery out-aggressing the cancer.
don't worry about mod or rp things, take care of yourself. we love you
Adam Ruzek
3 years ago
I've been praying for you. You got this. <3 take care of yourself.
3 years ago
Sending you all the good energy and healing.
3 years ago
Thinking of you and sending positive vibes.
3 years ago
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
They're moving her tomorrow at 9:30 or 10. I'll read her the comments you guys have been leaving, if she's awake enough to hear them.
3 years ago
vongolan: thank you for the update!
3 years ago
/hugs tightly
thank you, tell her we love her
3 years ago
thank you for the update!
3 years ago
Thank you. Much love to you both
Snooze Penny
3 years ago
give her a hug from all of us
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
She was in a lot of pain today but was sleeping a lot, I didn't want to wake her because she finally managed to fall asleep. I'll try to read to her again tomorrow.
3 years ago
Oh god. Sending her so much love and healing
Hooded Figure
3 years ago
Thank you for updating; I hope the move goes comfortably and the pain subsides. Is it a move to home care or somewhere else?
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
hospice in saline. she wanted to go home but its not safe because she keeps falling
Hooded Figure
3 years ago
Hooded Figure
3 years ago
That's so rough, not even being able to be home while feeling so bad.
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
all she wants right now is to see mia and doc
thank you for keeping us updated. 💕
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
You're welcome. I'm seeing her today, I'll comment after with how she is
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
They have her on gabapentin, tramadol and dilaudid so she's not able to be awake much
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
This is cute?
Pen Again
3 years ago
Thank you for keeping us updated! I hope the medicine and rest help. and aw that is cute (also as someone who likes to remember people's names, I appreciate having it so visible)
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
they adjusted her meds at hospice so she's still a little out of it, but a lot more coherent. she was glad to hear yours guys' comments
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
unfortunately she got sick all over herself but they were champs about fixing it
3 years ago
I'm still sorry that's she's feeling bad, but I also appreciate the updates
It's good to hear that they are able to adjust her meds. I hope she finds some relief and finds a place where she's feeling somewhat better. Thank you for the updates.
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
she's on oxygen at 3 right now, it was 1 yesterday so I'm a little worried
Pen Again
3 years ago
vongolan: /sends you all sorts of good wishes too
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
thank you 《3
3 years ago
sending both of you all the good thoughts and healing energy.
Snooze Penny
3 years ago
I'm going to add you so I can keep updated, if that's ok vongolan
3 years ago
Seconding that question.
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
anybody can add me, I'll add back
Snooze Penny
3 years ago
thank you.
3 years ago
Adding as well. Thank you.
3 years ago
sent a request
Sending you both some really damned good thoughts for sure.
broken 🗲 fuse
3 years ago
thank you for all the thoughts, everyone
3 years ago
You're in my familes thoughts/
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Sending all the prayers and well-wishes for you both.
saku 🌠
3 years ago
Karra's wake will be happening in June. Should I link the signup sheet in case any of you are able to make it? It's in public, so I dunno if any of you want to make the trek. It'll be here:
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