Guys I am getting Valentine's day flash tattoos because I am trash pls assist me in deciding where to put a tiny spider with a heart on him.
latest #19
I am also getting the element triangles on my wrist because
but spider dude is so cute but idk where to put him
I do too. the whole sheet is cute tbh
Do you want it in an easily hide-able spot? Outer corner of underneath your collarbone might be cute
I thought about putting him on the back of my calf to maybe spooky peopke haha
Haha that's also a good idea
Or right below your thumb bc then when you shake hands w someone they look down and see a spider near their hand—
it does need to be grandma hideable tho
that said she's starting to loose it....I've got one on my ankle and I was definitely in her house in cropped jeans and tennis shoes and it was very visible and she didn't notice
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