3 years ago
I’m not American but I’m so relieved this morning! And so happy for my American friends! So looking forward to a return to normalcy after 5 years of utter insanity. Please don’t get complacent because they WILL try this again in 2 years/4 years.
latest #8
3 years ago
3 years ago
Yes, I hope we don't get complacent either! We can't forget!
3 years ago
I will scream from the roof for people to vote . we can never let this happen again.
3 years ago
The nightmare / crazy times / bizarro world is over at last.
3 years ago
Thank you. yes. Never Again. No complacency ever.
Sean Gorham
3 years ago
This isn't a return to normal, not yet, but it is a step along the way. We're going to have to accept that some things simply will not go back to the way they were four years ago.
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