4 years ago
To the shock and awe of everyone, I still exist. Relatively speaking. I haven't looked at plurk or for startlingly close to two months now without comment, so this is a combination of explanation and contact point as I try to have any online presence again.
latest #30
4 years ago
hello friend
4 years ago
Welcome back!
4 years ago
heya! I was just wondering how you've been andwas just thinking about you!
4 years ago
4 years ago
Long story as short as someone like me can make it: in these waning days of my grad degree, my mental health is typically such that I can just barely do the things I need to do in order to survive plus maybe two other things.
4 years ago
In December, where had no activity check requirements, I decided to jettison anything that took more than two brain cells to make room for Christmas-time family obligations, as I have the bad habit of making my mental health secondary to not bothering people, lmao.
4 years ago
That included "reading plurk" and "doing tags," even though I had some REALLY good threads starting.
4 years ago
I was planning to start picking things back up in January, but my thesis was supposed to get completed last Sunday in order to be able to defend before the external examiner got busy through March, so that took up a lot of attention.
4 years ago
And I also felt obligated to make this plurk first to let people know what was up, and that became easy to put off until bedtime, an then put off to the next day because it would be when a lot of people would be asleep, and then repeat.
4 years ago
Anyway, I don't know how regular I'll be at either plurk or , but I'm going to do my best particularly with the latter. If there's anything someone wants to let me know about the things I missed, please let me know here! I will at the least check this plurk.
4 years ago
So hello everyone! Apologies for pulling a vanishing act without saying anything.
4 years ago
(In , one of the only things I actually kept up with was reading the Christmas gifts that Leslie got and they warmed my heart greatly. I spent some time thinking about what sort of gifts Leslie might have given people, so there might be month-late comments in some inboxes coming up, lmao.)
welcome back! glad you took some time to take care of yourself. it's been a slow couple months honestly and this month is half ac so hopefully you'll be able to ease back in without too much trouble
i basically took nov and dec off as well, so i think a lot of us vanished a bit! i hope things get better soon, and im always here if you wanted to ease back in with a casual thread or so!
yosie!!! I was starting to get a little worried so glad to see you
bird crimes
4 years ago
I'm glad you're doing okay, I was wondering why you went silent but I figured you just took a break because you're a fairly thoughtful and sensible person. Glad you took some time off to take care of yourself.
Done Owl
4 years ago
Hey! It's nice to hear from you and even nicer to know you took care of yourself!
4 years ago
gunsandchocolate: Wow, it's like the game is helping me to ease back in! How kind.
discontinued: A casual thread to ease back in would be lovely! So long as I don't do my usual mistake when I return from a hiatus to let my backed up RP drive explode and take on so many threads I bury myself, lmao.
4 years ago
rebreather: Sorry for worrying you! I should break the bad habit of saying nothing when I decide to disappear, but at least now I'm explaining it.
tardy: That's a very kind way to think about it. Thank you.
riaxc: Thanks! I did my best to do so.
no worries!! I'm just glad you're okay
asuka brain
4 years ago
Glad you're doing well, just very busy!
4 years ago
4 years ago
Same here, I’m glad everything’s good!
lol I feel that just let me know when you want to set something up!
4 years ago
dragoon1940, RandomProphet: I'm in the busy-ness of misery let's take it from the top (end paramore lyrics)
opalinesque: hey hey heyyyyyyyy
4 years ago
discontinued: Will do! I'll see what's going on right now this evening and I'll let you know once I have an idea where we at.
4 years ago
SHE'S GOT A BODY LIKE AN HOURGLASS IT'S TICKING LIKE A CLOCK thanks that's gonna be in my head now
4 years ago
Songs are like parasites: when they get in your head, your behaviour is changed to spread them.
apple thief 🍎
4 years ago
I never thought of songs like that before but you are absolutely correct. Anyway it's good to see you again, Yosie, and to know you are doing ok!
4 years ago
It's a bit of an extreme way for me to put it. Good to see you again, too!
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