3 years ago
trump supporters SURPRISED as trump turns on them, as totally expected by non-trump supporters everywhere. News at 11. Donald Trump fans cry betrayal as he rebukes Capitol...
latest #19
Gogo ♔ says
3 years ago
these people dont even sound like real people lol
3 years ago
He's one of the biggest con artists of all time and they just realized they were the mark.
3 years ago
Interesting read, thanks for sharing
3 years ago
Boohoo hoo
Little Sunshine
3 years ago
gasp I dont believe it, he would never.
3 years ago
Here's another. GOP is now like... REGRET Republican senators now regret not doing more to con...
3 years ago
He will run again and it will be more of a circus.
3 years ago
pruegenira: No. He will never run again. For certain his abilty to run for any office will be removed once Dems take control of the senate and he is impeached by both houses of Congress. He might already be removed by then, but its matters to stop him from ever trying to run for office again.
It’s very doubtful he will be impeached. Despite all the saber rattling to the contrary.
3 years ago
how.. can they have missed this from him? He's been blasting it on all public channels for months. He has literally never been "Presidential". When exactly did they expect him to change?
3 years ago
OrlyG: i think they will. It's in the gop's best interest to prevent trump to run, it clears his dominance in the nomination field
3 years ago
He will be impeached by the House and MAYBE convicted by the Senate. The republican Senators actually would be tempted to convict him. BECAUSE, it would prevent him from running against them in the next election.
3 years ago
after the 20th, they would only need 18 republicans
3 years ago
Just like Nixon, the Republicans will NOT impeach/remove until the majority of their base also supports it. Once they do, they will move very swiftly. We have to keep the pressure on and wake them up. Some can never be saved, some are NeoNazis, but there might be enough who really do love their country & were deceived by a master Conartist. StockholmSyndrome
Sean Gorham
3 years ago
SLinkbySiddean: It's a disease called American Exceptionism. Even after all this, so many Americans continue to believe that It Can't Happen Here, while everyone else on the planet is just shakin' their damn heads.
Sean Gorham
3 years ago
*Exceptionalism. I type gud. :-D
3 years ago
ShaggyZed: I haven't felt "Exceptional" since trump won the election. These 4 years have shown me a horror
Sean Gorham
3 years ago
That’s because you didn’t drink the kool-aid like all the MAGAts did.
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