3 years ago
I had a thought. What if this is trumps way of going down in the history books? I suspect he is of the “no bad publicity” school and I think he’s doing this for the infamy. He’s managed to achieve bugger all else in his life aside from a bunch of failed businesses, squandering a bunch of money and an abject failure of a presidency.
latest #17
3 years ago
Why not set fire to the house as he leaves?
3 years ago
Just as the last rotten cherry on top of the stale and tasteless cupcake
3 years ago
It’s also classic cult leader behaviour. When backed into a corner they take out as many as they can with them - Heavensgate, Branch Davidians, Jonestown. Classic cult crap.
3 years ago
Ugh I hate all of it.
3 years ago
You ARE partly right. His deleted tweets did say something like remember this day forever. But you have to also know he us a sociopath who covets symbols of power. He lost. It's the biggest wound he's ever suffered nothing can change, not even his KKK coup
3 years ago
SLinkbySiddean: yes. I had a nightmare before the election he would "Heavens Gates" his followers if he lost
3 years ago
I have also worried he set fire to the White House because it's so him to: "if I can't have it NOONE can." Secret Service is moving him to Camp David tomorrow. Methinks he will never step foot in the White House again
3 years ago
He has lots in common with infamous cult leaders. One political youtuber was said that he loves to call folks losers, possibly because he's insecure about losing and before now, never really lost. This is a big first for the orange oxygen thief.
3 years ago
I think he'll be a major case study for the top psychology experts.
3 years ago
Definitely some pathological psychological traits to study here :/
DawnTokyoska says
3 years ago
It is so disturbing, and I'm still mentally processing everything that's happened...I know that deep down he cannot cope with the idea of losing in any way shape or form. So somehow he's just denying it, and his followers are too. Frustrating for sure.
3 years ago
He has to leave the White House very soon and it'll be interesting to see what happens.
3 years ago
BryonyConstantine: yes. He has all the exact same qualities. And Now he lost his his ability to control his follower with the mass internet ban. He is going to do something very crazy now. We are now in Jim Jones Koolaide territory and David Koresh's Fire. But thank god all his followers he could only reach through cyberspace.
3 years ago
Jim Jones had his followers isolated in the middle of a jungle, it was much easier to get the poor souls to drink the "Kool Aid". The orange ones can turn off cyberspace and Faux News whenever they want. I really hope that they realise exactly what kind of creature they were folowing.
3 years ago
*The orange one's followers.
3 years ago
BryonyConstantine: Me too. Fox News seems like his only outlet now, and white house press releases. I hope they can all be rescued and de-programed
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