3 years ago
Get in the bin, Elizabeth from Knoxville, with all the other garbage ArrestElizabethFromKnoxville on Twitter
latest #10
3 years ago
Bet she had no sympathy for BLM protesters who were maced.
And she’s so shocked she actually got maced. Didn’t any of these guys think about being injured?
3 years ago
Admitting to sedition! On film!
3 years ago
Further proof that they aren’t very smart. Along with the unmasked selfies taken inside the building and the chamber
DawnTokyoska says
3 years ago
And according to the FBI they’ve already begun work on identifying these idiots for prosecution
3 years ago
Good I expected it but still good. Shouldn’t be too hard.
I know they’re documenting themselves like they have nothing to worry about
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