Accordin to the studies of evolutionay dynamics and evolutionary game theory, the logical leap would be a cultural evolution of mankind - fueled by the fruit of civilization: Science, technology and share knowledge.
The technological realization of cultural evolution of mankind that has already taken place through technology. You could say that with Death Stranding, Kojima productions is creating the natural habitt for the Homo Ludens through the means of technology, through video games. "From Sapiens to Ludens"
死亡擱淺創新的單機遊戲連結方式是無庸置疑的,但我也想問如果是要透過Video Game為什不乾脆做出一個online game算了,連結性不是更多嗎,那Kojima想要創造的 Homo Ludens環境到底跟我們所說的線上遊戲有何差別,因為線上遊戲少了角色扮演,我們帶入的是一個虛擬毫無意義的腳色,而不是像Sam這種,有非常多訊息是必須要我們代入自己變成Sam才能了解的