he firmly believed my mother, who primarily uses her laptop in tablet mode to play mobile games, was secretly fucking with his computer with hers, just to disrupt him.
he also somehow thinks he needs to be ..legally separated from her.. at 31?? [[her response to him saying this was literally 'your 31']
he had a full scale sobbing on the floor meltdown beacuse... youtube wouldnt load
over the last few weeks he's been picking fights and starting drama to an unbelivable level, but then spouts off with shit like 'we just dont have him to feel his feelings' and 'were makeing him the black sheep of the family'
sorry dude, if feeling your feelings includes takeing a knife to my door because I told you to shut up then no, you cant.
keep in mind, I said this after several attempts at trying to get him to leave me alone while I was cooking
which then spiraled into a several hour fight with mum cus shes somehow purposefully trying to ruin his life and I ended up calling the cops on him and mums told him to start moving out [[which I doubt will happen]
hes absolutely off his rocker, parinoid and moodswings and you cant disagree with him else he gets up in your face and shouts and screams and nags and pesters you to get his way
if you tell him no he'll spend the next several hours trying to start an argument until he can scream at you or, when you eventually loose your cool he goes on a rant about 'well I'm not the one yelling, I havnt done anything wrong' despite you begging him to leave you alone for hours
anyway thats some of the bullshit I'm living with lately
Sounds like he needs hospitalisation.
There is enough drama during the pandemic. Everyone is suffering. He's lucky he has a place to hunker down. And I doubt its YouTube he is missing. Lol. Flash support was dropped. Anything streaming flash is broke. Only html5 now
Flash is very hackable. Most of the web dropped support of it already. and apple dropped it Dec 31 2020
All legit sites, including YouTube, are just fine.
no something was up with his pc, I had to do a DNS flush to get it working again, and it was youtube. he couldnt get to it cus it would time out
I stood there and watched him type in the adress myself so
Cyberpink: he does, the problem is we cant really force him to
He'll have to if he hurts someone around him. Which i hope never happens because it sounds like he'd snap and not hurt, but kill...
He was lucky you could fix it. I hope he apologized and thanked you
BishieStyleSL: dude his brother is a severely messed up drug addict who abuses everyone in the family.