3 years ago
Well fuck. Thought I was getting the flu, thought my sister and her BF were....nope. Sisters test came back positive. Which means we are all rona'd up.
latest #12
3 years ago
My symptoms are mild comparitively - temperature, taste has changed this morning, it's not gone, its more that I can only taste strong salt or sweet, any depth of flavour is gone. Body was feverish yesterday, sore joints and grogginess but today I just have this feeling of dizziness and stronger brain fog than I get with my fibro
3 years ago
symptoms feel better after downing a pint of water and paracetamol every 4 hours
3 years ago
Oh no, hope it stays mild and you feel better soon
3 years ago
Me too, so far the fibro isn't reacting to it too badly at the moment
3 years ago
That's good! Make it stay like that
Oh Hairy... I hope you all get better like super quickly...
3 years ago
I hope the symptoms stay mild and you get well soon!
3 years ago
Ah fuck, hope it stays mild
3 years ago
Well shit... I hope it stays mild for you. Feel better soon!
3 years ago
Feel better soon, all of you.
3 years ago
we are lucky to have lots of family around us that can help with groceries, we're all monitoring each other and going apeshit cleaning everything while we're able to
3 years ago
Oh, no... I hope everyone's case is mild and you're all feeling better soon.
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