4 years ago
And forgive the double-plurk, but we also have a response to this month's Midmonth post.
latest #15
4 years ago
We're still reading any comments that come in - please make sure to direct those to the midmonth post itself for organization purposes!
yes, thank you for continuing to keep the game floating through this so terrible it's reached almost cartoonish levels of awful year!
and also thank you to everyone who is commenting and discussing! i know i am a player, but it still makes me really happy that people are talking about this stuff, and being so open and productive!
this is a really good playerbase and a really good modteam! both feel like understatements, but!!!
isanghae: likewise! i definitely see where you're coming from with your perspective, too, and i'm glad you're talking about it
i'm glad people are chatting about these things, and keep yourself relaxed during december, lovelies.
ty for the folks more eloquent than me laying out thoughts! and ty mods for being super receptive, and encouraging continued talks as well.
and I think we all agree: 2020 can't be gone fast enough
it sure cannot
2020 has been an actual garbage fire lol. We appreciate you guys for sticking with us, things have not been easy but we wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys.
4 years ago
Thanks mods. I do feel very uneloquent with some of it and still just here wide eyed at the wall of text and still kinda parsing through it
4 years ago
Appreciate all your hard work. Thanks for dialoguing! Please stay safe.
4 years ago
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