Xiola Nova
3 years ago
I am sure it is written down somewhere, but .. how can I fix this issue with Maitreya BOM? I've been poking around for awhile https://images.plurk.com/1CpYCvPms6CS6YOYkeSBJf.png
latest #33
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
it's probably a shoe base you're wearig that has the a white "texture"?
3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
Edit the shoe base, click the color, make it transparent
3 years ago
a shoebase? Did I step back in SL time....
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
mishaselene: oh snap! probably that! I forgot showbases had color and have not taken my body alpha off in years!!! thank you
3 years ago
I am so confused by all things SL
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
kirsten_corleone: Grazia2: It is a shoebase! haha it's been ages sicne i've SEEN one
3 years ago
not sure I have worn a shoebase since 2008 or so
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
kirsten_corleone: i wear a lot of platforms and got tired of adjusting my hover height :-D
3 years ago
oh, how do you do that?
3 years ago
I can't remember and I am hovering
3 years ago
I just had to do this a couple days ago, myself.
3 years ago
i mean how do you adjust your hover height, I can't remember how to SL, I feel like an alien on Mars
3 years ago
kirsten_corleone: oh man just wait till you discover BOM
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
kirsten_corleone: in Firestorm you just click the little phoenix icon and hover height is on there - there are other ways, but that is where I fiind it easiest. Gyazo
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
mishaselene: I've been using bom for my genus head but still using layers for my body so this was a first for me hahaha. Oh so confusing. But it's all sorted now thankfully thanks to you all!
3 years ago
Xiola_Linden: important, only people in firestorm will see you with that hover height
3 years ago
the correct way to do it across all viewers, is to use the hover height in your shape sliders
3 years ago
nimil: is BOM a new purchase or a re-delivery?
3 years ago
kirsten_corleone: depends on the store, but BOM is basically all of us using makeup layers again instead of having to fight with appliers
3 years ago
now we can layer makeup again!
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
nimil: luckily i never use it. hence the old school shoebase
3 years ago
Xiola_Linden: i have to use it a lot cause the shoe bases only go up so high and i like to wear big chunky boots lol
3 years ago
Max Graf
3 years ago
not for nothing but I got a cramp in my foot arch just from looking at how your foot is bent in this picture for too long.
3 years ago
BOM is basically working like the media texture... which you can use to project youtube videos etc onto any surface.
3 years ago
Only here, the displayed stuff isn't a video, but the actual texture layers on the SL body.
3 years ago
So you use the old way of wearing a skin, by actually applying an SL skin (or several layers of them) to the SL body, which all get baked into one (old feature)... and this baked texture then gets mapped onto the mesh body. :-)
3 years ago
That surely works best if you have a mesh body that is closer to the original SL body, cause it will have less flaws and/or designers have to fix less things to make it work. That's why some mesh body/head creators released new versions of their stuff.
3 years ago
3 years ago
I resisted BOM for a long time, but then one of the girls I dance with on the regular had us in a costume with layers so I had to figure it out quick.
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
maxwell_graf: hah, only in sl. my days of platform heels that resemble torture devices are behind me irl.
Xiola Nova
3 years ago
Tillie: great explanation. thank you!!
3 years ago
It's to do with your shoe base. Edit it and switch its texture from blank to transparent.
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