3 years ago
I don't know if anyone still remembers me, but I'm alive and back in SL.
latest #7
Allegory says
3 years ago
hey! welcome back! i was even randomly thinking of you recently and wondered how you were doing
3 years ago
It means more than I can say that you were thinking of me! I'm doing alright, definitely in a better spot than when I was last here.
Tillor Swift
3 years ago
Oh hey, hope you’re doing well!
Allegory says
3 years ago
better spot than before is definitely a good start! i mean, especially if you're saying that in the middle of a massive outbreak of plague AND meltdown of a major government.
3 years ago
TillHapmouche: I'm doing okay, had to go on short term disability from my job, but I'm honestly doing better than ever now that I can actually focus on myself.
3 years ago
Hello! Welcome back!
3 years ago
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