lucy, bitch
4 years ago lucy what does this even mean? oh boy you were really like delusional and stuff here
lucy, bitch
4 years ago
ok i remember thinking i could talk to ghosts and that i was a psychic medium but SMACK CAM! they were voices in my own head named caroline and tuesday! i think the old headspace pre integration was a castle of some sort i think thats mb what i was referring to here
lucy, bitch
4 years ago
now its one of those outdoor auditorium things it looks kinda like this but it's usually pretty dark but i think the seasons are switched so ive been seeing a lot of green and moss lately
lucy, bitch
4 years ago
tuesday actually came back for a few days bc i got really stressed but then something scared her so bbs hiding again (shes 17 and a lot of the therapy targeted her directly bc she holds high school trauma)
lucy, bitch
4 years ago
tuesday is very very skittish very traumatized and still a child so you probably wont hear much about her here besides this