3 years ago
3D Artist of the Month October 2020: Kasita Wonowidj...
waves recently I’ve been interviewed at a couple places for my piece that I worked on in Gnomon and I talked about Secondlife which made me think of everyone in here! Even tho I’m rarely logged in now, i still think of how much SL meant to me and how it sculpted my life the way it is now :3
Miss u guys!
latest #36
3 years ago
Also a project breakdown for anyone interested: Translating Traditional Craftsmanship into a Digital...
3 years ago
Kasita Wonowidjojo || Demo Reel 2020 also here’s a full reel of the past 2 years spent here. I’m embarking on new journeys atm! Just seeing where life takes me :-D
3 years ago
wow, this is amazing. it's so cool to have seen your entire journey in this, i'm so proud of you! incredible work <3
3 years ago
and congrats on the award, you truly deserve it!
3 years ago
omgwtfbarb: thank you barb!! It’s crazy to think I started all of this just knowing photoshop and meeting all you talented people that pushed me to learning more for SL which ultimately led me here now. I’m so grateful!
3 years ago
You were a huge part of my early SL days, never gonna forget that <3
3 years ago
will you work on games now? it'd be so cool to play something you created!!
3 years ago
omgwtfbarb: I’ve been hoping to go into films but most of my offers have been at games and commercials! Right now I’m legally not allowed to take jobs tho cause waiting on American paperwork lol
3 years ago
So for the time being super unemployed haha but hopefully will get somewhere when the entire covid thing dies down
3 years ago
so excited for you!! i hope you find a job where you make eleventy billion dollars and get to do something super fun that you love
3 years ago
also super cool that you are another female voice in what is probably a male-dominated industry (idk much about it). I'M YOUR BIGGEST FAN OK <3 lol
3 years ago
HAHA THANK YOU!!! Yassss everywhere I go has been dudes dudes dudes! Even tho my gnomon term was an equal amount of both genders. Hopefully it’s changing!!!
3 years ago
You're amazing! I am gonna go devour your portfolio :-D
3 years ago
Honestly you’re absolutely incredible (and I hope you know that) I think of you every time I log on ❤️
3 years ago
your Indonesian Puppeteer is to die for. He looks like he is about to open his mouth and talk to me O.o incredible work
Allegory says
3 years ago
everything you do it amazing <3 also, i look forward to tea? being finished some day!
Abra 🥗
3 years ago
Anya, I love it! The awards and recognition you’ve gotten are highly deserved. Glad to see you succeeding as an artist! 😘
3 years ago
I love this!!
3 years ago
this work is stunning! Congrats <3
ellie bellie
3 years ago
oh wow - i'm with omgwtfbarb. you should already be making eleventy billion dollars for doing this work. absolutely stunning and amazing. ♥♥♥
Izzie Bizzie
3 years ago
Anya, this is amazing! i'm so thrilled for you
3 years ago
Hey, Anya <3
3 years ago
Wow so proud of you!
3 years ago
SLinkbySiddean: thank you!! I’m really glad you think so, he’s prob the only piece where I actively tried to change my style of sculpting and I’m really happy he worked out!
3 years ago
Saffpots: hugs you tight! I miss you guys a bunch!
3 years ago
Allegory: ahhh!! I definitely will, I work on it in bits and pieces, the grooming is an absolutely pain lol. But I do love the concept so it’ll push the progress along!
3 years ago
abraexonar: thank you abra!! You were a huge inspiration for me starting out in sl, I hope you know that - hugs you
3 years ago
chroniclesofaya: thank you aya!!! I hope so too, crossing my fingers and paws for it :3
3 years ago
aemeth: love you!!!
3 years ago
eviehartshon: thank you so much
3 years ago
ellekirshner: Ngaw thank you! Just enough to pay the bills would be awesome lol, I’m glad I get to do work that I love :-D
3 years ago
Starfirez: thank youuuuu
IzzieButton: izzie!!! Squeezes you, thank you, I miss u a bunchhhh working with u was a dreammmmmm
_Abby_: hi abbykins ;3
3 years ago
mishaselene: thank you misha! I send hugssss
Izzie Bizzie
3 years ago
ohmai: awww i miss those times and i miss you! but i also love to see you thrive and making your dream come true! you're such a boss
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