family is holding breath and crossing fingers tonight, youngest son will be taking the Pennsylvania Bar Exam next 3 days. He's been putting in 8 to 10 hrs a day since June, studying for it...
2019 statistics for PA, pass rate for first attempt was 80%. Jeff graduated magna cum laudi from a good school, and is a good test taker, so he has a good shot- not certain, but a good shot at it.
or a different state? Pass rate for subsequent tries is in the mid 20s, still PA 2019 stats. Apparently, if you're not gonna pass it the first time, it's mostly game over. (shrug)
indeed he will, tho for the next 2 years, he'll be working up in a federal court in Newark NJ as a law clerk in the DoJ Immigration Court, rotating through 4 different Judges offices. Research, helping write Opinions, etc.
it's some sort of "DoJ Honors program" that he qualified for, got the posting last November, when he still had more than a semester of school left. He worked his butt off, and earned the posting. The one downside is that he'll have a "commuter marraige" for the 2 yrs; his wife has too good a job to leave - 140 mi between the 2 jobs.