3 years ago @Edit 3 years ago
[Lolatics] So Trump and Melania tested positive for COVID. Who could have possibly predicted this.
latest #15
3 years ago
I don't buy it. It hurts his macho image and his downplaying the pandemic. It's 2020 so nothing is impossible, but I seriously doubt it.
3 years ago
Especially like... He still hasn't released his tax returns "because of the audit" for 4 years even though the IRS and almost all journalists say that doesn't affect it
3 years ago
He has no problem making absolutely bullshit exc if he wants an excuse, and calling it a victory
Lost Singing
3 years ago
also it looks like, at least according to a quick google search, other staff and personnel that have been in contact with him have also tested positive.
3 years ago
yeah he's been 100% against masks, quarantines, etc, from the start and he's such a narcissist i just can't see him faking it
3 years ago
if he wanted to avoid them he'd just keep screaming about fake news, bullying, and biden being afraid
3 years ago
he's also been hocking "miracle cures" for months, see: hydrochloriquine (prooobaby spelled that wrong)
3 years ago
the list of infected keeps getting longer & I'm just. O.O we had a household Moment last night that boiled down to "no fucking idea what resolution plays out best for the world here (though we have a fair idea of some of the bad ones), but praying for that"
3 years ago
viruses don't care that you're rich and making a political point, who knew??
3 years ago
but also same because holy shit things are escalating quickly
3 years ago
october came in like a LION
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