hades is just looking like a total chad
man this makes me want a kuzco limited edition doll just put him in a gold box
original dolls
just saw the individual pics
all of them are so good this year
I was complaining that they didn't do Dr. Facilier but i'm sorta glad they didn't because none of these are "misses' for me
maleficent is probably my least favorite
she is def a little plain but
these are such a step up from last year

granted this doesn't have the d23 dolls
d23 dolls don't count in the same way since those are more expensive and were harder to get
But yeah the shopdisney/disney store dolls were just. a tragedy. Meg and Esme were the best. and cinderellas may not look bad (And objectively is not bad)

but this gal was released the year before and I feel so bad for the artist and designer
I spoke with the designer on instagram briefly and said how much I'd loved if they did ENG stuff and she basically said that she had been fighting to do other properties but the execs are dumbshits
who want them to do the same 6 characters over and over
So I'm just imagining them sitting there going "we have to do the same fucking dress in the SAME SHAPE AGAIN"
they probably only got away with tianas dress in the d23 version since that one looks super 20's in its styling
if anyone wonders why i can guess so much about canons and whats going on in them from merchandising alone
I've been following all of this shit closely for 7 years now if you just wanna talk about disney merchandising
if we wanna talk about doll collecting in general its closer to 10
she's not as glorious as Yzma but I love her little hair horns
tho why is her face the only one that looks sort of barbie-ized and not like the animation?
its the lack of the headdress

i would bet money its the same mold as this doll head
But they put hair on her lmao
ignore auroras look she is supposed to be possessed lmf
hades and Ursula are def my favs here
the rest art good enough but those two it's like /chefs kiss
evil queens dress has snakes on it and i was like
"Did disney just let a biblical reference slip through there???? liKE... EVE ANd THE SNAKE AND THE APPLE"
then my friend pointed out her mask was the magic mirrors face and I was like... hol up
Sigh. Disney was not brave enough to make biblical references in their merchandising on this day
ok u kno i don't do dolls but o snap
I actually love that Meg and Esmeralda too
maybe just that they gave them dolls