PurplePenny says
It never rains...
We're adopting two cats from Romania (yes we did try to find the cats we wanted in the UK) They were due to travel last Sunday but one caught ringworm so they can't travel till they've had the second treatment for that.
Then another cat in the rescue became ill and tested positive for panleukopenia despite having been vaccinated against it
latest #9
last June. He was rushed to the vet and put on support, but her died :-(
Now our two can't travel till it is sure that they don't have it (they've both been vax)
Realised some weeks ago that our three here need to be vaccinated!! No excuse apart from my crappy memory. We were going to do it earlier this year but..well..covid :-(
Misunderstood our vet' website
it said they had resumed doing vax, but I thought I had to apply online first. I filled in the webform and waited... got no reply.
Crappy memory again - kept forgetting to try again when I realised they were no going to reply.
Next time I looked they had an online booking system. TRied to book an appointment, but it required me to register, and registration
required an email address. The system rejected every address I put in, even the one they have on record for me.
Finally bit the bullet and phoned them, expecting to have to explain that I tried to book online.
Nope, I couldl have booked over the phone all along!
Explained that the situation was urgent as all three cats would need to be restarted on their
vaccines and thatthe cats we are adopting have been exposed to panleuk. Bad news - the panleuk vax doesn't come into affect till one week after the 2nd vax, which is after the likely travel date.
I just can't tell the rescuer that I missed doing all our cats' vaccinations! It's just too damn embarrssing, and she might decide not to let us have them! But
since we've only just offically become Spike's people (he didn't have a chip, he does now) I can tell her that we had to start him as though he had never been vexxed before because we have no idea of his medical history.
Anyway... the trip to teh vet for tehir vaccinations also reveled that poor Arthur has a reallly badly inflammed patch of gum that must be giving him a lot of pain. Vet said she usually doe sstaged dentals (over two visits) but she wanted him back ASAP to do the whole dental, and she sent him home with pinkillers.
We knew he had something worng because his
breath has been very smelly recently, but he's been eating completely normally so we had no idea that he was in pain :-(
And young, seemingly healthy Spike has got a grade 3 heart murmur! I can't help wondering whether his previous family knew and that's why they left him behind. So he has to have a heart scan soon and might require daily meds. :-(
Forgot a bit of the sorry tale - because they hadn't been able to offer all their servives during lockdown, and even now the srevice is slower because of restrictions, they are absolutely snowed under and couldn't give me an appointment, despite it being urgent, for a week, thus the second vaccinations are also delayed by a week. IF I'd phoned earlier
instead of trying to do it all online, as I thought I had to, they woudl have had their second vaccinations in plenty of time for the little ladies to come here. As it is, we might have to delay them again and it will probably be NOvember before there is a transport available.
I hope we are not in lockdown by then!
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