Moire Opie
4 years ago
Are you on Liker? I think everybody I've interacted with on here would enjoy it.
it's got some nuts and bolts problems but it's been great for campaign memes and a good political vibe. No crypto, either.

Liker - A smarter, kinder social network
4 years ago
This looks interesting and I will definitely check it out. It looks exactly like Facebook, but without the venom (in which case it's NOTHING like Facebook). I wonder how they screen the members to keep it that way?
Moire Opie
4 years ago
yay! They don't do any pre-screening. There are trolls, but by and large they are hugely outnumbered, and people whomp on them pretty quick. It's like Facebook in that people post and can react in comments in the thread below the post, but it also has communities of interest, so you organise your feed by categories, and post to categories as well.