sgoodvin is
15 years ago
not able to get past stage 1 in Karma :-(
latest #9
Jana314 says
15 years ago
and have fun! We'll help!!! (dance) (dance)(dance) (dance)(dance) (dance)(dance) (dance)(dance) (dance)
pmcanulty says
15 years ago
(gym) keep on plurkin'
John Wyrick says
15 years ago
(dance) (dance) (dance)
scarter says
15 years ago
Keep going and try and get to 50 friends as quick as you can.
NBolz says
15 years ago
what's really the benefit?
tillmanartist says
13 years ago
JerryB says
13 years ago
sgoodvin: Be sure and show that you are in education in your profile, some folks won't friend non educators. Its good to have you on Plurk!
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