4 years ago
[health] I'm fine, but likely TMI ahead.
4 years ago
I had a vasectomy today! Which means that I'm in the "you get to be completely useless and sit on ice" phase right now.
4 years ago
Per doctor's orders I'm not supposed to be lifting things heavier than five pounds for a couple of days, so I can't even pick up the baby.
4 years ago
And meanwhile, here we are dealing with an uncooperative toddler who's trying as hard as possible to be goofy and not let bedtime happen while we've also got a 6 month old who's been just barely napping throughout the day and gets woken up by the slightest noise, and I can't help with either.
4 years ago
(Luckily we still have our au pair, but man it sucks not being able to do anything with this situation.)