just corvi
4 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/25yzSOcT0PnYU5uDoFwq4d.jpg Now they're BOTH sleeping with their heads over the edge. I have weird cats.
Izzie Bizzie
4 years ago
awww how cute they sleep together <3 it's just a sign of being super comfy, my cats do that too lol
just corvi
4 years ago
They often sleep together there Izzie! We've had them almost 2 months now and Pixel (orange one) is slowly catching up in size to Mouse. Pixel is almost 3 months younger than Mouse but I have a feeling he'll always be small. Mouse however is looking like he's gonna be a huuuugggeee noodlecat. lol
Paco Pooley
4 years ago
Ah Nope. Washington also sleeps that way on his favorite Spots. but he sleeps weird anyways
just corvi
4 years ago
Cats are just weird PacoPooley LOL