KayKay Chan
3 years ago
I stayed up so so late yesterday that I was a wreck this morning. Didn't know up from down but for wanting more sleep. I spent the night watching YouTube. From midnight till god knows when. watching reactions/reviews for 365 days. Props for them finishing. I couldn't get past the first time he threatened her. skipped through the air hostess scene cus...
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
I honest to god thought I was about to watch him murder a girl by chocking her to death with his wotsit and I was legit freaking out because there are a few things I absolutely do not want to see near a *** scene and one of them is death. Hard Pass. Till the YouTube reviews yesterday I honestly thought she had died.
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
it was refreshing to know I wasn't the only one disturbed by the show and I didn't even finish. I don't know everyone seems to have such a vastly different view of *** that I always feel in the minority. I am always seemingly floating through hating/being confused by the thing, just not getting the hype, being traumatized, occasionally getting it then hating
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
myself after for liking such a thing. So everyone else has a way different view of it than me and half the stuff I've seen has been a wtfwhy moment so I fully expected for such content to exist and be in the top ten people liked that and it terrified me so obviously the problem was with me right????
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
the show just suckedddddd no pun intended I know that because I got the gist of the rest of the show and was so glad I didn't fight my way through, it would have been tooo much. The reviews were helpful also in knowing not everyone thought this was ok because hey I begin to wonder. it wasn't just females either but makes too. that was surprisingly reassuring
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
I am just literally getting out of bed now to check for. wonder if it will be a good one...