KayKay Chan
3 years ago
doodle junk
https://images.plurk.com/42kbUpLW7GZxOBlWLgZUXD.jpg https://images.plurk.com/1PPGBURB7hBp9Pw8qjQyYb.jpg https://images.plurk.com/2kY3mEDpmeX4ocXXPWlujW.jpg not tooo bad since I haven't done anything in ages. each time I get a tiny bit less worse so I'm proud of myself.
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
ya crappy doodle Adora made me get off my tush and doodle and I love her more for it
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
my perspectives are all skewif tho not all of them are less painful looking. here are some painful day before doodles
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
https://images.plurk.com/7j6Kp46xBV0Brwwgb86an0.jpg yikes
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
deciding to be less over critical about myself is helping. I see people on tapas and Twitter and Reddit every day just drawing for the heck of it good or bad and seemingly having the time of their life doing it. bet they don't let their inner critique stop them soo...