KayKay Chan
3 years ago
day two of my time off and I have grandious plans (that will probably never get done) what would I like to do? edit sl pictures for they are building up...draw a comic...heck I would even take a doodle or two. Might make it of adora _...write a short story...try make up (i'm always convinced this time round won't suck) seek out more recipies...
latest #6
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
Play animal crossing! Make a shera costume for my dolfie...
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
So far I accomplished...editing sl pictures. Tried make up, wasn't too bad. realised I didn't have eyeliner or mascara anymore, couldn't find blusher and no way was I going to break into my gorgeous rainbow one just yet.
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
did a post even though the mouse was being such a pain and flickering in and out...might need new batteries. Going to doodle while watching shera now.
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
did make the doodle of Adora as shera. made three actually lol
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
remembered why I don't do make up tho. at least reason number 56 cus I fell asleep with my face only half cleaned
KayKay Chan
3 years ago
I was so tired
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