Had to get my phone and ask "Google what do baby rabbits look like" to make sure they weren't some... rat or mole or something because newborn rabbits do not look like fuzzy bunny babies.

Also um I hope falling out of the nest/ being exposed while I try to figure out what the fuck they are and whta the hell to do did not like, murder them.
They'll be okay. And pretty soon they'll be SUPER cute.
I know, but nwborn bunnies are hideous things and also super wriggly.
Hopefully the mother doesn't abandon them because I had to move the nest/move them back into the nest
also stupid rabbit! zNesting next to my blueberry plants! In a box!
Nah, I saw a video of a guy picking them up and putting them back, and the mother came back for them.
I wouldn't recommend doing that of course, but it's okay to take a peek.
No, no, I don't plan on doing it now that I know they're there. Hell, if I had known it was a rabbit nest, I wouldn't have touched it
I just thought it was a bunch of dead grass in the planter box!
It was a hell of a surprise.
I'm jealous. I love bunnies. I know they'd probably eat my flowers, but they're so cute.
The lack of long ears is weirder to me than the missing fur.
It was the tail... thing that threw me. I ain't never seen a naked rabbit tail.
SeeMeeeee you grew bunnies in your garden! I knew you were special!
Wait, SeeMe, I...I learned something else today that you need to know
You know what I looked this up and, as suspected, Kishimoto is highly delusional
The adults make sounds but they are outside our hearing range