4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
got a free beta key for the squenix avengers MMO
latest #38
4 years ago
it is not good lol
4 years ago
issues include
4 years ago
there's one tutorial mission that gives you zero clue what you're supposed to do and kills you after about 5 seconds if you don't figure it out
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
(you have to jump to a different zone, but the game hasn't explained jumping yet, barely gives you time to look for the jump-off, and your attention is likely to be grabbed by the guy flying past you you're vaguely being told to Stop)
4 years ago
in the home base speed is reduced to the world's slowest walk
4 years ago
making getting to the one mandatory mission on the ground floor agonisingly slow
4 years ago
shooting is incredibly frustrating because the aim only sometimes snaps to enemy
4 years ago
generally it's pretty good at checkpoints but one of the beta missions if to fight through like 8 floors and it checkpoints you at the ground floor.
4 years ago
and the last room is nasty
4 years ago
there's a "hold the waypoint" mission that doesn't explain that you have to stay on the waypoint, it just says "near"
4 years ago
the skill trees are incredibly boring :-P
4 years ago
I mean most of this is kinda subjective I'll give you that
4 years ago
but it's a lot of things that don't, for me, make a very good first impression
4 years ago
which is surely what you'd want for your brand new, no-one knows how to play yet game
4 years ago
also accessibility issue, the subtitles for scenes are incredibly tiny and right at the bottom of the screen
4 years ago
it is impossible to watch the cutscenes and also read the subs at the same time for me
big ol metaphor
4 years ago
ugh i hate when they make it impossible to run in the "overworld" type places
big ol metaphor
4 years ago
i get that it would be weird to be running everywhere but you set a pace for the game so walking feels really really weird
4 years ago
it's also just a lot of slow nothing
4 years ago
like yay, your base is really pretty?
4 years ago
but man I just wanna get to this mandatory thing and there's a lot of empty space between here and there
4 years ago
if you want me to look at all the work, let me actually move as at a pace that lets me get places
I gave up after the first mission. Playing Nat was fun but her aim is borked (for me it keeps snapping to the top of the screen - not helpful) and I can't get the game to stop freezing and stuttering
4 years ago
I'm cheating and on ps4 :-P
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
I enjoy jumping around as Hulk but find him too slow for fun in fights
4 years ago
Tony's flight mechanics do not do it for me
4 years ago
Nat's invis is cool but her spider bite does not seem to hit half the time
4 years ago
Ia ctually liked playing as Thor and Steve in the prologue but they are Not In the actual beta :-P
4 years ago
I also feel like the mission maps are a little too big for fun, especially with mission control constantly jabbing me to go straight to the target
4 years ago
do you want me to look around, or not?
4 years ago
it is especially a weird contrast with how linear story missions can be
4 years ago
also also given the difficulties of aiming on PS4
4 years ago
fuck the wall guns
4 years ago
especially with nat who takes about 10 shots to take one down, and you just cannot stay still that long for most fights without three goons running you down
4 years ago
and they add up to a fair chunk of health if you leave them
4 years ago
especially on hold the waypoint missions because you cannot leave the tiny waypoint circle :-P
4 years ago
...playing as Kamala just makes me feel like my character is constantly glitched :-P
I was hoping to play with controller because these sort of games always have awkward controls on PC but aiming is definitely a problem.
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