4 years ago
Going through a lot of things so been kind of lagging ohysically and mentally in responding here so lets give the rundown. tw: Mental Health, Abuse.
latest #9
4 years ago
Went through some abuse on part of ex-fiance mentally and some physically, and I finally was able to break free completely. Next relationship was mentally as bad, on top of it his mom was doing it too and esentially making me their personal house slave.
4 years ago
I left them after essentially givi g my entire paycheck to them each week and moved in with a friend. Lost my job in 2016 at McHellhole after a back and leg injury, had to sue and won. Moved to Maryland to be with my long-distance boyfriend, got my own apartment.
4 years ago
Currently fighting disability, but I am getting physical and mental health and I am glad to say I am a bit more stable. I go through therapy once a week and meds are sort of helping but will likely need to be adjusted a few times more. I developed insomnia and chronic nightmares from all I have gone through.
4 years ago
All in all I am doing much better. I have Endymion still, he made the trip east with me and we added to our little family too with a sweet female tabby I named Nephrenia. I'm trying to get back in the swing of art, I have been playing a lot of FFXIV during Covid and making new friends.♡
4 years ago
Long distance boyfriend is now just boyfriend now as he lives less than an hour away! We have been doing good and he has been my rock through all this and very supportive.
4 years ago
Aaand thats everything covered. Pics of kitties to follow later.
E.S. Levi
4 years ago
What server/world are you on? I got FFXIV a couple months ago, and just hit Heavensward stuff.
4 years ago
Balmung / Crystal datacenter.
E.S. Levi
4 years ago
Ahhh, I'm on Aether...
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