Oh my gosh, Napoleon, getting so caught up in the image of himself fighting angels that he spends a while considering if the Valkyries count since they don't have wings........
He's good at speeches, that's for sure.
He fires the cannon just to make it hit harder...... AND WHAT IS THAT LASER don't worry about it
Okay, I've ragged on poor Mash's new skills and NP quite a lot, so I'm going to report that I did, in fact, get some good use out of Bunker Bolt today.
I had a round of four Mash cards and one Napoleon card after Ms. Majin made 63 stars all by herself, and between Bunker Bolt and the crit/np up effect that Napoleon granted us for this story battle, she did 23k on her buster card alone. Thanks, Mash. You're a pal.
Ooh, another Valkyrie Surfboard. That'll cut down some of the time it will take for me to get Skadi's skills worked on. (But Yosie, you got all 20 of the Aurora Steels from the event shop already. Why are you still stuck?) Look, I might have been super lucky and gotten Jeanne on top of Ibaraki from the banner and she needed a few Valkyrie Surfboards.
Also...anti-Divine AOE conqueror? Good Fellow, are you actually Nobunaga?
he is the drill that will pierce the heavens
"All remaining envoys appear to have left the area." Oh great, now the villagers will get a chance to catch their breath and freak out that we smashed a bunch of their goddess-given envoys.
LMAO I'm good with a medal, sir. I don't think I'd be a good general.
Ritsuka is going to die from servant back pats.
Also I like how, like...some Servants like Moriarty refuse to give the name of their Noble Phantasm to avoid people learning their True Names.
Good Fellow: Fuck it, Arc de Triomphe (Place) de l'Étoile!!
"Then, listen up! Humans, one day, your desires will become a rainbow emblazoned across the sky! Know why? 'Cause I'm here now!" every time I think he can't get more shounen.......
It's Napoleon. He was not known for subtlety
"You're looking at the only hero of humanity in all of Scandinavia!"
Mash: hey
Probably other servants we'll meet on the way: hey
Thanks Loud Man for giving a calming story to Village 23 so they’re not flipping out.
“Join me!” “Seems legit.”
Granted, he’s charismatic enough that does seem legit.
I think this is more of a difference than “a sliiightly different path,” good fellow.
Apparently Fou disagrees about his charisma???
I really don’t get why they underline the Scáthach-Skadi bit all the time. What, should I be calling the one from Proper Human History Skadi-Scáthach?
Saberface is a legitimate character trait in this universe. Why they don’t just say Skadi and have her appearance of Scáthach be just a little mythological bleeding?? (Because Scáthach is popular and they wanted people to spend money pulling for Skadi.)
Also after the fandom comics I saw of Skadi, I am LIVING for Skadi’s twisted morality. Sure, I enjoy how Medb thinks she’s cute, but I like her way more knowing that she thinks she’s right in turning humanity into a giant food assembly line.

Oh no, he’s self-aware. Danger danger.
“I’ve got my own reasons for appearing as I do.” Because I hate the propaganda that I was short!!!
Lucky us that Napoleon isn’t carrying any snow trauma.
Even Skadi knows that Peperoncino is great.
Sigurd as Skadi tells him not to kill anyone: Mother I crave violence
The absolute certainty in the kindness of her actions whether she is doing something I think is good (treating the Valkyries as people) or horrific (EVERYTHING ABOUT THE VILLAGES)...I wasn’t sure I’d be particularly into Skadi with how fan works often focus on her being kawaii, but every time I see her I love her more. WHAT A CREEPY CHARACTER.
Just so you know before you try to make a Grande Armée out of my Servants, most of them are chaotic and/or evil, so you might have A Time trying to have military order.
The talk on defining victory and defeat conditions feels like something my therapist would want me to do.
Anyway, short chapter over. Time to get breakfast and do the work due yesterday.
Lies I'm back. I'm waiting for pancakes to cook.
....are you really kidding about invisible birds napoleon or do you just not want to explain
I was wondering when we'd get the outside of the castle as something other than an establishing shot for "and now a word from our sponsor."
For a moment I thought we were coming in the back because it's the servants' entrance, but no, we're really breaking in.
Excuse you, your Grande Armée is currently all artillerywomen outside of yourself, Napoleon.
Oh, Napoleon. That he meant to infiltrate quietly but forgot everything about him is loud is making me laugh.
"I made this castle of ice and snow out of my own magical energy. You may as well be standing within me." Gee, I hope I remembered to wipe my feet on the doorstep......
"They have not yet broken the seam, but as I expected, they have begun to form a group. As such, they shall enjoy my love here, where I can watch them closely." 1) WHAT A CREEPY CHARACTER and 2) I see she hasn't fully let down her guard. She does perceive that there can be threats to her, but probably she doesn't think so as long as she's taking such preca
UGH I LOVE THE CREEPY PARTS OF SKADI anyway oops I assumed that the ? would be fighting Sigurd but instead it's a lancer GOOD THING I BROUGHT MORE BERSERKERS THAN ARCHERS JUST IN CASE.
Thank goodness I decided I needed to take Skadi fully seriously and brought Ibaraki......though she just got taken out. But she got off a 200+k NP off before she went down, and was...ah, alas, Vampirism missed. I really should give Euryale level 10 on that now that I have more crystalized lores......
Ah, I did think that the Valkyrie NP might be AOE, but I did not expect the Sure Hit. Danger danger.
"Okay, I'll wait for them to take some damage before I use the Mystic Code heal that undoes defence down." (one hit from the giant takes out half of Jalter's HP) (giant winds up for a crit animation while staying next to Jeanne) "Oh no -"
Thanks for being here still, Vlad my friend.
-- Uh oh. I think I might be about to get loved from where Skadi can watch me..........
Time for Round Two where I know what I'm going to be fighting.
"Ah, without Napoleon's buffs, I don't think Ibaraki is going to be able to do enough damage for us to defeat her before her NP goes off -"
Mordred: blasts the remaining HP away
...MORDRED YOU'RE SO STRONG (incoming angry cassie)
Being aware I'm going to fight an aoe lancer does a lot for preparations.
Okay NOW Sigurd shows up to cause problems out of boredom.
mordred is such a big strong boy i LOVE him
I've got Euryale now 10/9/10, but I bet he's going to have the "I'm too in love with Bryn" anti-charm skill from last time. She still hits like a truck, though, so It's Fine.
superorbital: MORDRED IS SO GOOD especially when I have access to NP2 10/10/10 level 92 big strong boy.
I had a habit around the time he showed up of putting one single grail on my favourite 5-stars because I wanted to spread my grails around but I also wanted a sign that This One Is Very Loved. It makes my ability to get Mona Lisa QP grinding FP pretty easy when I put Drake in that spot, lmao.
Also uh hmm. It may not be great that Thrúd is already reconsidering the presumptions that made her take it easy on us.

...oh that’s actually a cute exchange she has with Napoleon.
I think she may be having some degree of fun fighting him and seeing him recognize her prized possessions from Odin.
...Napoleon you have a lover?? (I am not actually super surprised because these are the Straightbelts, but I wasn't expecting this to suddenly come up here.)
Mash why are you specifying "This Lostbelt is full of beautiful, powerful life-forms." Like I get it I too can be very gay, but also it's making me laugh a little that she's saying this in the middle of a battle.
Ah, Skadi, those narrowed eyes when you watch everything with amusement...look I need an emote that is just "I like when Skadi is creepy."
"Just how many shots DOES it take to break to the center of a greath hero's Spirit Origin" napoleon are you sponsored by tootsie pop
......when Thrúd stands down she stands down (vanishes out of existence)
Come on, Ophelia, I'm absolutely willing to wait for you and Mash to sit down for a long talk if Skadi will let us and then you can try to kill us.
Sigurd, Napoleon, and I can hang out. Maybe Thrúd can come too. I'm patient.
Na...Napoleon, I recognize that you don't want Ophelia to feel too pressured, but could you have waited for this announcement until we at least got the response to "do you want to end this peacefully"
also like you met once why are you one-sidedly declaring your engagement
....................Napoleon, Mash, she just said no.
You proposed to her and that you fell in love with her is supposed to be a surprise???
Look, I like you, Napoleon, and Lostbelt 1 has shown me that they can actually write good straights, but this is such a wacky start.
"Mom can I please kill him" "No, I want him as my son-in law." "MOOOOOM"
(Which is to say Ophelia and Skadi translated in my head.)
I see Sigurd has the same idea given he put all three attacks into Napoleon in the first round.
Man, Sigurd does some damage. (But so do I because as I was typing it, with Napoleon's buff Euryale did 268k damage in one shot.

sure you don’t want to discuss peaceful alternatives, Ophelia? (Though I already knew even before Sigurd just “hmm”ed and stood still when a whale fell on him that we’ll finish this with everyone going HE’S TOO STRONG
IN CUTSCENES while Sigurd taunts us as weaklings.)
I am sad that when I misinterpreted the restricted formation that you were supposed to not bring Mash that my first thought was "well, this will actually be easier when it comes to current Mash" though I will want to have her still around to absorb his NP.

I belatedly realize she’s probably supposed to be talking about Acting Director Goredolf, but I
immediately read it as a callback to Dr. Roman and refuse all other interpretations.
opens up translation software on my voidphone
"I'll make sure to keep just shy of reckless." lmao
Oh, Ophelia is also causing debuffs on Sigurd, too. If only they translated her lines into subtitles........
SIGURD JUST REALLY WANTS NAPOLEON TO SHUT UP. Euryale do 290+k damage? That's fine. Napoleon be ridiculous? MUST TAKE THIS ONE OUT.
I've moved Mash away from her "always defence up NP spam" to giving her a regular defence up CE, and it seems to be working out decently. As much as I complain about how much harder she is for me to use these days, her taunts are still INVALUABLE for single-target NP bosses.
Also lmao Ophelia is like "please stop using your runes Sigurd"
I'm starting to think HE'S got a taunt skill.
“Don’t let him get to you, Ophelia” Sigurd, I’m pretty sure your Master is just aghast at how little Napoleon is willing to read the room. (I’m sure by the end of the story it will be a tragic love affair, but right now you’re just weird.)

So what you’re saying is that I should bring an arts stall team so Mash can facetank your demonic sword several times instead of just once, and bring enough boosts to make Euryale do
500k damage instead of 400k damage. Gotcha, gotcha.
(I think I actually did struggle against Sigurd a bit first time since I was not at all used to Orthinax Mash and I think I frontlined an Alter Ego, so it fit more at that time.)
GOSH I love creepy Skadi.
(I know she is also abusing cutscene powers, but I like her flair.)
There aren’t any animals left, huh.... Those birds....Odin had I believe ravens to serve him....
Anyway, I was not especially terrified of getting killed in Skadi’s custody, but I appreciate the adrenaline-fuelled attempt to stop me getting speared.
Longhair McGee (gosh his name format is unfamiliar to me), do you...really want to call it the same as an old mage research group?
I know it makes perfect sense with a Greek lostbelt (so YOU’RE to blame for more orion content) where it’s holding up the sky, but when I hear Atlas as a place in a Fate/ setting, I think, “oh, I have that Mystic Code.”
Maybe the World Tree Prometheus, granting a new people what they need to survive — no? Okay.
I mean, to be fair, Skadi, you DID decide to poke at an open wound. I think a spear to the throat is okay.
All right, back to other things.
It's difficult to put down the story when I'm working on something just short of brainless on my computer. Anyway, "a big ball of pure mercy" is, um. That's one way to look at Skadi. It's probably how she views herself.
palkia: I knew you'd be here eventually.
Ah, it's "waking up in a jail cell with an unidentified voice in your head," ice filter edition.
I'm glad that Napoleon is reflecting on the fact that, while he didn't have the intent to pick a fight, he kind of accidentally picked a fight by "being too brazen with [his] courtship." He's self-aware, at least.
Mash: Hey...should I be expecting wedding invitations...? Maybe as a bridesmaid??
It does help restore some faith in the idea that the Straightbelts at least are filled with good hets for Napoleon to acknowledge he’s done some of the women in his life wrong after the, uh. Display of his loud, currently one-sided courtship.
And also that he acknowledges that the things he wants to save from Proper Human History are still important to fight for even against the woman his heart went out to.
Ritsuka just has a habit of keeling over and astrally projecting every now and then.
Tumbling down here every day......Hel-lo?
I get why oni and demon boars might be in the void between reality and dreams of the Scandinavia ruled by Scáthach-Skadi, but...........bikers with guns???
Okay, so I can summon Ortinax Mash down into a hell dream This Is Normal.
Good thing my sense of self comes with the summoning briefcase.
...Hmm. I'm facing a shadow Herc with five guts. They do
not say "cannot be removed." I'm here with Ibaraki.
(I'm guessing they can't be removed like most buffs in squares but also THEY DON'T SAY THEY CAN'T BE......)
But Majin-san beamed her way through the last two guts in one turn in a Bustercrit-NP-Buster-Extra. Thanks, Oalter.
..............OH. OF COURSE. AN ILLYA EXPY IS COMING OUT AT HALLOWEEN. THAT'S WHO THE GODDESS IS GOING TO BE who was excellent up until her final ascension was THE WORST
Hi Sitonai I'll try to forget what your artist did as your final ascension art and face you on your own terms.
"But it's okay. Your soul and self are all connected just fine now, so there's nothing to worry about." ...Sadly not an unusually unsettling thing Ritsuka's had to hear.
"I never would've thought there was another Servant of humanity here besides me!" Maybe you shouldn't have been making assumptions (but Napoleon seems to run on ego and shounen fire, so I will not chide him for calling himself the final hero of humanity in Scandinavia).
Sitonai is making a good push for me liking her anyway if she keeps up casually saying Concerning things.
(Oh good, I got it right. Illya is how you spell it. I can never remember how many ls there should be.)
She's so proud of being three goddesses in one (non-goddess) body.
"Hmm, how can I put this... It's like these goddesses are roommates that are always fighting about something..." LMAO oh no I like her. which would not be an oh no (particularly since I could pull for her while also aiming for higher NP Ibaraki, but again that final ascension reminds me of who this design is for...).
Ah, I guess Skadi would place more emphasis on dealing with a...semi-sorta-goddess against her than an emperor.
......man, it's basically impossible to find information on Sitonai that is not "that one servant released around Halloween," huh.....
I know Freyja of the Norse, but Louhi of the Finns.... "Louhi is described as a powerful and evil witch queen" look we've teamed up with worse.
Oh hey, they're talking about who Skadi married in Norse mythology. At least we're dodging Ereshkigal's "don't worry your wife is still single" by making one of her husbands an antagonist and the other the name of her shield --
Sitonai: I'm certain Queen Scáthach-Skadi was never married to anyone.
I guess...that answers why...they don't just call her Skadi.......
lmao they go out of their way in her mats to be like 'don't worry no marriage!!'
I love Ereshkigal and I'm growing to like Skadi a lot, but just let them have fucked.
Like Saber got married but then she didn't fuck anyone.
the only "good" thing about it is it makes the fact she tops medb even funnier, but we both know exactly why they keep pointing this out
at least it's infuriatingly ic for saber poor guinevere
Let women in this game have sexual history! -- But not any of the characters touched the Prisma Illya guy!
According to the Heimskringla, Skadi left her first husband, the sea god Njörðr, and re-married to Odin.
The Skadi in the game is unmarried, but it seems she was wanted enough for it to be written that way into posterity...or so she was supposed to be.
By the way, she may have been called the bride of the gods, but in the midst of all the fighting over her, nobody managed to actually marry her and then Ragnarok came and they all died protecting her. It's likely that Odin's the one she had affection for, but she'll never say it.
they literally point it out TWICE
lmao tho for real @ the prillya guy
LMAO I mean, I am looking forward to her topping Medb (who I guess is an exception to not letting women in the game have a sexual history), which I hadn't realized would be a thing but I want it.
It's absolutely IC for Saber but They Made Her This Way.
i wouldn't mind so much wrt saber if they didn't keep dancing around the fact her and guinevere actually both loved each other still (it's mentioned in goa but side material =/= good enough)
And yeah lmao I was talking about wanting characters having sexual histories before the player but Sitonai is onscreen and I briefly had war flashbacks to That One Event With The Event Servant Who Shall Not Be Named.
saber was just too much of a repressed dumbshit to act on it
that said considering how fandom (neckbeards) flip out whenever the female characters show interest in someone else i guess i can see why they keep Doing This
I SURE WISH THAT WAS MADE A BIGGER PART OF HER CHARACTER / I wish guinevere was allowed to have a character
gestures at bride nero literally only existing bc base nero is still in love with hakuno
(i fucking love nero but like, Really)
It's the audience they're selling to, but I hate at least some aspects of the people in the audience they're selling to.
LMAO yeah the extra servants being an exception in that they're in love with a different player character and even they keep ending up with versions where they are more available to the fgo player like I think lancer tamamo is.
if skadi/medb didn't exist and wasn't powerful i'd probably be mad about it
also skadi noticeably views us as one of her children and not a potential romantic interest so that's not even... really... an issue for her?
Anyway back in the game Sitonai continues to be making an appeal for me to forget that her final ascension art is the worst because she's being a murder-favouring child and my character type is often -- I was going to say The Worst but at least I hate Blackbeard.
i am actually surprised you don't play vanilla illya
Not that it stops people with Raikou, lmao, but that's true.
yeah but they made raikou's stuff Weird on purpose... skadi's is more direct/lacking that innuendo
It's probably because my interactions with Fate/Stay Night all happened when the first anime was like a couple years old at most and then I dropped from Fate except for a brief foray into Fate/Extra until I lent out my PSP all the way up until FGO.
If I had to play a character from FSN you're right that I'd be interested in playing Vanilla Illya as long as I could purge that moment of "oh, they did an AU around Illya? That sounds like it would be goo -- ohhhhhh noooooooo"
"No you have to cut down the tree of emptiness before it takes root"
(a few hours ago)
"Hey so the world tree atlas's roots now cover 80% of the earth and has become a completely central pillar to my lostbelt so have fun nerds"
"Ah, I think I might have overdone it. (snaps fingers to break us out of a cell designed by a goddess)" Illya you're still pushing yourself here......
It makes perfect sense why Sitonai shouldn't walk out with us but also alas. I hope she doesn't get too bored.
I guess it also makes sense from a meta POV, too, since the actual Servant won't be released until Halloween. I know we got a preview of Merlin, but it wasn't that long before.
Hhhhiiiiii Koyanskaya......
So...she cares about killing us now???
"Pawning your dirty work off on subordinates again, huh?" "Yeah they didn't bother to animate my battle sprites yet."
"remaining: 35" well glad I brought some AOEs by chance.
I accidentally double-clicked and got Suzuka Gozen and I felt bad replacing her.
Apparently my character type is actually "Cassie hates them." (Except that wouldn't explain Fran or Drake.)
I hope that at some point a male Crypter will also get chided about their naïveté. Anyway, end of the goddess chapter, so I'm going to stop here for now (which might be for today or might be for like half an hour, who knows).
being vague... the circumstances are very different, but yes that will happen
I appreciate the vaguery but also I appreciate the reassurance given I approach every Fate thing with the assumption that It's Going To Suck About Gender.
"Mt. Hindarfjall No. 2" WHAT IS WITH THIS LOSTBELT AND NUMBERING THINGS (it's that Skadi goes big for regulation)
...why does the celtic woman inside Scáthach-Skadi know more about the norse hero sigurd (I assume it's a warrior thing but still I remain convinced they only tied her to Scáthach this tightly to say this one didn't get married)
No offence to Napoleon, but I'm unsure why Ophelia cares whether he meant what he said. Like. If she got to know him, he is a charismatic guy and maybe then one might think about wishing for him to actually have fallen in love with one, but if their one other meeting was anything like this one, I don't get how that would be an attractive proposition.
But as I typed that, it occured to me that maybe it's because I'm perfectly happy being single, so I always view it in terms of "if I was deeply in love like that, it might be worth going through the effort of romance," rather than the possible approach of "I'd like to be in love/be loved, so it'd be kinda nice if this hot guy was serious."
I guess it'd be lonely, being a Crypter, after spending time in cryofreeze thinking you were going to die if you didn't help destroy Proper Human History.
Is...Koyanskaya pivoting from chiding Ophelia about how she acts with Longhair McGee into a power of friendship speech kinda
I guess the intent behind Ophelia being shaken by (I nearly called Napoleon Iskandar for a second because they're both loud affectionate conquering muscle men) Napoleon's proposal is because she's never really been wanted by anyone. I'm just inclined to be suspicious of people skipping a million steps.
I'm more cynical about romance than I am about friendship, but an equivalent "let us devote ourselves to each other for the rest of our lives even though I only know that you're pretty and look sad and live together forever" in a friendship way would probably also be a bit "uh," even if I'd be less suspicious of the motives.
lmao I've been ruined by the bad romances in fiction that I'm immediately suspicious of any of them.
Also I'll admit that probably I'm slower to accept this one of the Straightbelt romances because I just...want to read...about the friendship between Ophelia and Mash. Please, I just want to have platonic love centered in something other than shounen rivals......
It's so hard to find stories about friendships between women that aren't secondary to a romance plotline.
"Flaming Mansion" well this will be a fun trip.
It's Todoroki Palace! (A joke for a friend who I don't think is reading this.)
A...a palace on top of Mt. Hindarjall surrounded by a fiery hedge in the Völsunga Saga..............hi bryn I guess you count as divine???
I...I guess that the fire giants could be more charming..........
I kind of wish.............. they went with a different angle re: napoleon and ophelia
or dropped that story beat to focus on ophelia's friendship with mash
there is some eventual payoff with napo & ophelia that I enjoyed, but her friendship with mash was a lot more satisfying to read about
I sort of knew that Napoleon romanced the Crypter of his singularity, so when Ophelia showed up with an angry Norse hero by her side, I really assumed that Napoleon had been her original servant but disagreed with the methods required to team up with Skadi, so she let him go and took a new Servant more agreeable to doing the shady stuff.
Which would have given them a history that I could have latched onto, as is shown with Anastasia and Kadoc. But love at first sight is one that I find it difficult to hang my hat on.
And like. Despite how much I complain all the time about friendship taking a backseat to romance subplots in stories, I mightn't have even tried to compare those two relationships (because Ophelia actually has things that could be explored with Sigurd and Skadi to a lesser degree and I don't compare those to Mash or Napoleon) if Napoleon hadn't introduced
the subplot by literally interrupting Mash and Ophelia talking it out.
..........................Also I've been waiting eagerly for Mash and Ophelia and Pepero interactions since that single offhand mention in LB1 that they had lunch together so I am so ready to get as much Ophelia and Mash discussions as possible.
Anyway: that griping aside, there is still some good mash & ophelia friendship stuff ahead
and I think you will mostly like it
I'm looking forward to it! I've enjoyed the parts that I got (and I actually didn't mind the interruption even since Napoleon has suggested his love is a lot out of concern for Ophelia so stopping the conversation from getting more tense and stressful made sense up until he just MADE HER WAY MORE TENSE AND STRESSED FROM NOT READING THE ROOM).
And Ophelia is definitely not done with it (since she was like "FUCK I GOT SO MAD AT ARCHER THAT I DIDN'T USE MY CHANCE TO TALK TO MASH").
So I will be excited to reach that bit.
(Also like I mentioned earlier to Cassie: I enjoy griping about the same things with people around this kind of stuff.)
you freaked me the heck out in your trial quest but also you fascinate me.
Anyway the pharmacy closes in an hour and I'm out of all but one of my meds and I need to get groceries so BE BACK LATERRRR
It didn't occur to me that Bryn would be the one from Proper Human History, but I suppose since Sigurd is then they'd want the couple to be from the same place.
LMAO I wonder how Napoleon is feeling as his title of the last hero of humanity slips farther and farther away from him.
LMAO I was kind of thinking "hey maybe if you're going to enforce a ship with yourself you should stick to one to flirt with" but I decided not to say anything BUT MASH IS READY FOR THIS. DON'T FLIRT WITH OTHER WOMEN IF YOU'RE GOING TO PROPOSE TO MY FRIEND!!!
............his spirit origin makes him seek out a lover when he materializes WHAT A THING.
On the bright side, we don't have to worry about Napoleon gaining the trait Brynhild's Beloved in this iteration if this is his first impression for her.
okay but there's a less specific reason he's in danger from her now I will just stand back.
"until you woke me" you mean when we speared the wall of your castle with a living being?
Napoleon...has learned nothing from his snow bath..........
The Napoly-on the empy-man.....
“Leave her alone! Can’t you see you’re bothering her?” Napoleon are you one to talk...........
She doesn’t even mind the kids. He has an oversensitive view of other people respecting others’ boundaries and no sense for himself.....
The villages are not only numbered but 80% similar in composition. Skadi’s godly copy-paste.
Goredolf, you didn't have to give us a tactical reason to save a village of children, one of whom we befriended.
Poor Gerda. At least she figured out a story for what happened with us that makes sense in her world view of Envoys Good, Mash Is An Envoy.
....WE GOT ANOTHER CHALDEA SERVANT WANDERING BY??? I wasn't expecting this to be a regular thing but I'm down.
I think I'm supposed to be able to guess who makes bounded fields without showing their face but I cannot think of anyone in my tired state.
"Not even an ant could get in!" "Well, there really are not any ants outside the village anyway...." I did not realize Bryn was so pedantic.
Napoleon please listen to please stop for once.
She is gorgeous but you don't have to say it every time.
Sure wish I could Gurren Lagan the Theoretical Pruning Phenomenon.
"Well now, you're a cute one! If only you were about ten years older..." Napoleon please stop this, I enjoy liking you.
Oh no, da Vinci is thinking about mass production now.
Goredolf, I know you thought you were helping and it's good to be able to communicate, but perhaps talk to your technical advisor first.......
Bryn is good with children. Unexpected by me, but very helpful.
Ah, soulless clone automata based on your family...yes, that would be rough on Bryn.

Probably not their favourite. Well done, clever, clever da Vinci-chan! ...And you did good driving, Goredolf.

I laughed, realized this is the second winter-themed Lostbelt (on the side humans are likely to survive), and laughed again.

Brynhild is so soft when she isn’t in the middle of curse.
I say that and she compares a determined Mash to a night sky filled with stars. She’s so nice!!
It will not take me long to remember the Valkyrie trio, since Thrúd took the stage alone long enough for me to tie the name to a face, Hildr has the same hair colour as FE3H Hilda, and Ortlinde...........is the other one I’M SO SORRY.
I’m willing to accept this interrupt, Napoleon, but your track record of “I will take on this conversation in your place.”

half of the caster heroic spirits: hey
Two of the trio were angry (ironically) at the implication that they’d gained emotions, but Ortlinde had nothing to say. I wonder if she was more aware of this change and couldn’t say Brynhild was wrong?
I like that they were allowed to not be a monolith.
Saber Fran can complain about the heat standing in the snow with like just a cardigan at best over a bikini. If she were a Terraria NPC, she’d want to be in the tundra.
Hey, screw you, too, game. That was rude.
I wonder if the Valkyries’ deaths and Ortlinde’s flight affected me as much as it did because I’m a sap or because I Know That Feel Bro about being afraid that the feelings you’re holding back are ugly and bad. (Why not both)
That scene had the danger of ending up in the “love and romance ~are what make us human~” but I get that their only example of a Valkyrie with feelings was Brynhild and she went in pretty hard on the love and romance train.
I guess this did make sense of why there was someone who thought that people loved each other more and hated each other less in the Age of Gods if it was from Valkyries who had much more subdued emotions at that time.

I’m not so fond of the push for makeup, but outside of that HOORAY FOR LUNCH CREW FRIENDSHIPS!!!
I’m fascinated by the implication that blue lady might be only visible to some people, but Sigurd please lose your misogyny when you lose your red eyes, I’m begging you.
Oh dear. Ophelia is barely keeping it together and won’t turn to the one person she could have opened up to without being hurt, and now she’s being relied on by Ortlinde who barely understands what an emotion is.
G...Goredolf, can I talk to you privately about celebrating the idea of Brynhild killing Sigurd right in front of her?
“I’m still too cranky to call him the actual director, but Goredolf is definitely getting the hang of how things work when you’re doing Singularity/Lostbelt work.”
“If push comes to shove, I can always dazzle her with my exquisite charm and oratory skills.”
“Ah, there’s the Goredolf I know and know.”
“...this Grande Armée twaddle” da Vinci is too powerful.
I will have to keep in mind that she likes being referred to as mademoiselle.
"Save it for our next smoke break." "But I don't smoke....." Ah, what a dodge, Meunière.....
"I think I can do something about [Ophelia's Mystic Eye]." Juuuuust checking, but is your plan something other than "spearing it out"?
Brynhild..............that’s rough, buddy.
...............hang on. Brynhild is an expert in Primordial Runes. Why have we not asked her to take a look at Holmes’s injury....???
Shadow Border: emergency brakes at 120 km/h
Ritsuka: goes flipping off into the distance
"...This was never supposed to happen. My actions, my madness, in the service of justice? Unthinkable. But here you are, on the side of this Lostbelt. You have chosen a path that pits you against humanity.
"So...you won't mind dying now, right, Sigurd?" That last line made me shiver.
Ha ha ha, I wasn’t even a little worried.

Ha ha...ha.........
(I lost against Ortlinde when he had her with him, but I won against his final form easily since I didn’t have to worry about my Archers getting obliterated quite as quickly.)
(“Easily” I meant to write first try, but sure, “easily.”)
....Well. I thought that Ophelia's seal looked incomplete........
Ah. Ophelia is having a Sunday.
This Lostbelt's real Saber is Big.
....That's sure some music.
Ophelia, trapped by self-hatred and her parents’ expectations, waiting for someone to come rescue her..........I’m going to take a moment to imagine what it would be like if this was a setup for expanding on a friendship rather than a romance.
(inhale) Ahhhhhhhh......it’s beautiful................
Okay, Napoleon, I’ll let you get to that now.

.......what happened to humans never understanding it...?
A monster that changes size depending on how it’s viewed. I expect it’s a way to account for not bothering to keep a consistent size between cutscenes and battle, but it’s still a really neat concept.
So I kept being dismissive of Team A’s feeling to need to reach out to the Foreign God’s aid, because of the way the story treated the cryogenically frozen Masters getting defrosted as a matter of course during the setup to the Lostbelts rather than a possibility,
But when the precog can barely see the option of their survival, I see I was misinterpreting it.
To be fair, I think the prologue kind of glossed over the precariousness of their situation.
Plus, as players, when Da Vinci says "leave it to me!" we just take it as a given that she can get it done.
she's a genius, after all!!!
If da Vinci is confident she can do something, I just believe it will be done.
I’m glad that they chose for the non-Team A Masters to all happen to survive, too, but like...without the way that this was treated in the prologue, I would have immediately bought that they might have been about to die.
It had been so long since it was talked about the cryogenic freezing that I frankly forgot that was a thing and assumed they were dead, but the prologue talked about monitoring their vitals so long that I knew they were alive the whole time suddenly, so it made the reveal a lot less meaningful?
I don’t like large-scale deaths of nameless people to set up for a dramatic reveal. It turns me off of a story when there’s a bunch of death in it. But the prologue would have served the Lostbelts better if the other Masters’ survival was treated as more of a miracle than a planned thing that they always knew would work.
Anyway, Longhair McGee is a good sort, I see.
That Surtr keeps saying “You don’t say” is making me laugh.
LMAO well done, LB2, on bringing Sunday full circle.
Well, Surtr is going to be an interesting challenge when half of Mash’s abilities are taunts and he does AOE normal attacks. (you don’t HAVE to use Mash) yes I do
Napoleon, I get hyping yourself up, but let’s not taunt the world-killer, please?
HELLO BLUE-EYED SIGURD HAPPY TO SEE YOU finally we can set aside the misogyny
Caenis isn’t ready to let go of the misogyny himself but Sigurd’s body at least can.
Nice job, Ortlinde and Ophelia tag team.
I hope they don’t brush aside Skadi’s creepiness now that we’re working together. Scáthach-Skadi’s profile suggests the Lostbelt was more Skadi than Scáthach and the servant is more Scáthach than Skadi, so maybe they’ll continue with the moral grey. I hope so, and wish I could summon the Skadi side.
Because while I love cute characters, I have such a soft spot for the evil side of FGO’s set.
“Wherever you are...I hope the giants haven’t squished you....” What a way to word it.
(I nearly put this in my new RP plurk.....)

It’s like he’s trying to get on her nerves.
So the combination of Skadi and Scáthach happened during the events of the altered Ragnarök..........WHICH MEANS THAT SHOULDN’T HAVE AFFECTED WHETHER SHE GOT MARRIED OR NOT GAME.
Skadi is so offended that her dramatic acceptance of the alliance got interrupted.
I guess Illya has earned the right to mock Skadi after being thrown in a dungeon by her this whole time.
OH MY GOSH SKADI IS SO AFFECTIONATE WITH ILLYA. She talks about loving everyone but she’s so much softer when it’s partially her stepchild.

The Tree of Emptiness, [hercules roars].
Surtr, or Big Boy Todoroki.

NAME DROP wait that’s just German for Ragnarök. He’s stealing summer Jalter’s thing!! (this one came out first) NOT IN MY EXPERIENCE.
A fire-ice winged tree giant...too many traits! Put one back!!
r u ok ophelia (clearly not)
Goredolf...I know Sherlock is kind of a dick, but are you seriously claiming more talent than him......
Napoleon is gunning for the Sherlock award of Not Giving Any Information Ahead of Time.
A discovery when fighting so half-asleep that I accidentally mismanaged charge attacks: counts as a buff for Nullify Buff: target focus. Not a buff: gaining 20% NP. Useful when Ortinax Mash is low on health.
“My wish will never come true. My feelings will never be reciprocated. In which case...I’ll throw myself, my eye, and my soul into the fire and —” IS THIS REALLY WHAT WE’RE GIVING AS OPHELIA’S MOTIVATION TO POSSIBLY HELP DESTROY THE WORLD
I know a bigger thing is that Surtr seems unstoppable and thus everything in the Lostbelt now seems hopeless but ARE THESE LINES WE’RE GOING WITH FOR HER INTERNAL MONOLOGUE.
And I guess an even bigger cause being that he literally cursed her but I am still mad. :T
I didn’t expect Gerda to just get vaporized without us being nearby, but I did briefly consider the what if scenario of “what if they continue the transition with wolf friend of ‘well, you’re dooming this world, but at least your friend is already dead.” Which I kind of still expect, but I expect it to be much more personal if so.
Oh yeah, he recently reminded us of a mysterious trump card...this would be the time to play it!
I keep underestimating just how shounen Napoleon can get.
I did not expect him to bow out early, but it was pretty cool, good fellow.
I’m not going to try to guess at what the “correct” approach to this was, but I personally really wish we could have done Napoleon responding to Ophelia’s wish for someone to save her without the weird romance marriage proposal angle.
I guess Napoleon historically could be argued to be inclined towards falling in love with women, but it just takes a lot away from the story for me personally.
As a hero rescuing a human, I do quite like Napoleon’s last speech to Ophelia. I just don’t buy the Straightbelt in the same way I super bought into Kadoc and Anastasia.
LMAO OPHELIA FORGOT RITSUKA’S NAME even if she says she just blanked on it for a moment, I love that she didn’t put much thought into remembering her as someone separate from the vague idea of the Chaldeans who aren’t Mash.
Can we PLEASE stick to making fun of Goredolf’s personality and not his physical appearance? There are plenty of options without dipping into fat jokes.
Eye squick......shudders.
Ooh la la! What a warcry.
Napoleon’s final speech was great! But agree, it would have been much better sans the romance angle.
I think part of Ophelia’s thing is that because surtr cursed her, her thoughts were just ... spiraling, as Surtr’s goals/thoughts started trampling over them.
Yeah, her thoughts are definitely explainable from a point of view that makes sense to me. Surtr demonstrates during his time in Sigurd’s body that he has a very low opinion of women, so his influence may well have steered her to place more importance on romance than she might otherwise.
yeah they confirm that afterward
But I also don’t know if that was the story’s intention.
napoleon's stuff also has a little more to it than that i think, reading between the lines a bit i think he basically picked up that playing the love card was the easiest way to break through her walls since it took her by surprise, whereas everything else she could shrug off/dismiss with magel ogic
like 100% he was hitting on her for real but it was with the extra oomf of something she couldn't just ignore bc it was so personal to her
the manga chapter goes a lot more into her feelings in general and especially for mash but that has spoilers past where you are so i'll link it later
Thanks for considering my spoiler avoidance!
That does make some sense, at least. But I’m still bitter, haha.
Probably mainly because I wanted more on Ophelia and Mash’s whole deal which makes me look forward to the manga chapter once I’m past the spoilers.
it still HUGELY screams 'this chapter was written by an otome writer' (which it was), but there is at least Some depth to it
(Also wow super rude of Surtr Fenrir to have a Nullify Buff that remained for JUST enough turns that I couldn’t put down any buffs ahead of his NP. Squirtoria has the rest on lock but still rude.
i do appreciate that for all the hetero bullshit in the lostbelts the girls are at least not designed to be Available For You, The Straight Male Player
...Okay, as a blocker to that mess, I’ll give Napoleon that credit.
(Oh no, I’m going to die. Or at least, that’s a possibility.)
ana's probably the only exception in 1 or 2 just because the one we summon is different from the lostbelt one
ok listen you can give the man a tiny bit of credit but not too much
we could have had ophelia/mash instead
Ah oops I meant to close the italics
We could have. Romantic or not, this Lostbelt could have been all about Mash and Ophelia’s relationship and that’s why I’m bitter.
you will get more content for that past where you are at least! even w/o the manga
(LMAO I can’t believe that Ritsuka’s life is saved by a callback to Bryn making Napoleon eat snow when he wouldn’t stop flirting at her.)
I’ll always want more, but I look forward to it.
but yeah i don't disagree... i actually like the romance in lb2 lmao and i appreciate the meaning behind napoleon using it to get through to her, but 100% it would have been more unique to go the other route
but, otome protagonist ophelia parmesan
Well, at least she got something.
Anyway, like I said, I’m not even going to try to guess whether the romance in LB2 was good or bad in any objective sense. It’s just real easy for me to fall into “I will hate this ship for all time” and it’s real hard to get out of that hole. Once he interrupted the dramatic moment between Ophelia and Mash, Napoleon had a huge mountain to climb to make me
like his ship and I was not wishing for it, lmao.
Also like. It’s not explicitly romantic or anything, but I can’t believe we got a flashback to the start of Otome Protagonist Ophelia’s Surtr route.
Golly, the “Sigurd has guts specifically so Brynhild can show her love by killing him and he can still show his love in return” is just literal canon here....
They basically said it outright, with Bryn’s huge blush and all.
I’m glad Mash’s first action upon announcing her return was to loudly ask where Ophelia was and to ignore everything after that when she’s usually so protocol.
Hey. Hey that’s rude. Mash holding Ophelia’s hand as she dies and talking about their hopes and their regrets, with a particular cutscene picture. Hey.
I’m guessing it’s because she didn’t give a name, but that Bryn gets to be the only one described as “that beautiful envoy” entertains me because it’s real accurate.
I...I guess there's not much more spoiler to be given..........
quietly adds ophelia to list of characters I want a servant or pseudo-servant form of which currently is occupied by dr. roman and olga-marie animusphere so that she can have tea with mash
Oh no, it’s Skadi’s Battle Boobsocks.
I mean, I guess after all this, the giants might have gotten snuffed and Skadi could make a much less awful system, but also I suspect that it'd still be bad by my books.
I mean, it was less humanity that erased you and more this Pruning Theoretical Phenomenon, because there's no reason why a world with alternate timelines would necessarily need to remove all but one of them. I really wonder what the reason for it is. Is there not enough space? Energy? Magic? Or is it just "what should be"?
Basically I wanna smash that pruning, but it's probably beyond even Chaldea's options.
"charge gained"
Me: Oh no.
LMAO I didn't even think about reports that Medb and Skadi are very shippable when I chose my team, but I'm fighting Skadi by having Queen Medb fuck her to death, basically.
A lot of my team got sniped down by 1) an unexpected Ortlinde NP when I didn't have their invincibilities up and 2) not putting up Ibaraki's defences immediately and she got crit down in one turn, but Saber Fran survived just barely enough to finish off Ortlinde before a second NP went off, dying to her own burn the moment Ortlinde went down.
-- Ah, Skadi crit Medb down with two quick crits. Gotta reset if I don't want to have The Amazing Jeanne vs Skadi Battle of Attrition.
Skadi hits harder against someone with a class advantage than Surtr did (because Surtr is AOE and I spent the last part solo but shhh.
it's funnier to just compare Surtr's damage as less than a support mage. who happens to be a god but SHHHHH I'M MAKING A FUNNY.)
Okay I'll let that Medb death go and just grind her down with Mira's Jeanne.
It's only 34k HP left and I will hope she will surv -- wow Skadi hits like a truck. God. Literally.
I usually only pick up Silvie's Jeanne, but I was too lazy to wait to ask for her to put her up when I didn't actually plan on getting back to this one.
I thought that this Skadi might have had a stun skill.............................
Al; right, Medb, by the order of my Command Seal, fuck the tree of emptiness to death.
Oof, that was close to Medb going down, but then the tree used skills twice in a row. I did use a command seal to keep Melt up.
Oops, wasn't a part of the problem of this Lostbelt when Surtr ate the Tree of Emptiness? Well, I trust Oryou-san with it. (Ryoma NP finish.)
............the tree of emptiness............is named sombrero...................................
This time in the correct plurk.
.....................go to sleep and never wake up..............creepy and loving to the end, skadi.......................
Because they were never given the opportunity to hope for tomorrow, they didn't even know what it meant to be sad....wow what a Lostbelt.....
Hey. This ending was rude??? I know Lostbelts are just all going to be rude endings, but rude??????????
And a flashback to the formation of the lunchtime trio of my heart........
I mean, I would have said that avoiding contact with anyone in the Lostbelts would be "even more depressing," but the coward's way out works, too.
The ocean...is in a spacial rift...300 meters up......... That sounds like things have gone haywire.
.....oh, is this the place for Kirsch..............I TRIED TO REMEMBER SORRY OPHELIA longhair mcgee's god of the sea???
I'm glad they let tiny da Vinci-chan say shit.
The Baldanders of the Wandering Sea...balderdash.
of COURSE after all this they decide to update Skadi's profile to say that she's ditzy.......
Anyway, I made it to the end of this Lostbelt with very mixed feelings, but overall positive.
It's rare for me to read anything Fate and not have mixed feelings unless they're just all negative, lmao, so it's not like I'm saying it's bad.

ba ba ba BAAAAAA and then the second grail of this event will go to her to finish the levelling. (Lancer Ibaraki is getting the first one and the Oniland grail.)
Me recently: I’m running low on All EXP. I should put more into farming EXP so that I am still ready in case I end up with BB when I go hard on pulling for Saber Medb (who I have kept being weak in the face of waiting for her solo rate up) and so I’m ready in case something unexpected comes home later.
Me right now: So Lancer EXP day will be in 30ish hours.
Me about twenty seconds from now: pulling out All EXP from my presents box It Can’t Be Helped.

She’s so good to me.
sliding back in to say that while i know you doo't usually do jp spoilers,
napoleon's interlude is basically a lb2 epilogue/closure for skadi (even more than him, lmao) and only talks about lb2 stuff, not spoilers for anything else
and also addressing skadi's thoughts on ophelia fully... i cry
it'll be a year and a half until we get it in eng so i figure it might hit harder now
And also chances are I probably won't have Napoleon since he's a 5-star. Thanks!
I don't trust Napoleon's claim that he didn't give Ritsuka a medal yet given he forgot instantly that he gave her one basically the moment they met after the envoy fight.
At least he recognized it in post.
Awwwww. The amount that Skadi mourns for Ophelia alongside the humans of the Lostbelt was extremely touching.....
(Also people who ship Mash and Ophelia must have gone wild over the way Mash just trailed off when saying "Ophelia was my..." that lets them fill in the blank with some other options either instead of or modifying friend.)
(I myself might add on "Ophelia was my first friend," since it came about so early on in her life.)
And I say it without committing to shipping it, but I sure am about to look up shippy fan art/comics of them.
This art isn't focused on Ophelia and Mash (they're just happening to be in the background of the shot) but I like
this anyway. (Warning for Cassie: it includes characters that you often speak of hating.)
Mash and Ophelia enjoying the vacation while Ritsuka harrasses Kadoc into participating even though it's GODDAMN HOT.
(Anyway I don't think I've talked about my headcanon of the events now that they keep happening as "oh, the Lostbelts haven't happened yet even though there are servants from the Lostbelts.")
(In my brain, the events happen in a timeline where the inspection at the end of 2019 never happened because people collectively decided that Chaldea sounded like too much of a headache and so all of the beaurocrats kept burying the paperwork until people forgot to do anything about Chaldea and now everyone is just waiting around.)
(I'm going to use the flimsy evidence that Kadoc appears in a manga that Jalter and co. wrote about ramen to add that they were able to unfreeze all of the Masters including Team A and the Crypters are wandering around in the background without needing Foreign God influence.)
(But I legitimately think this timeline without that addition I've dropped in now that it's been confirmed that the Crypters might not all survive the Lostbelts unlike Kadoc's kind of ??? status makes much more sense than anything else to explain the events place in time.)
Since I still hadn't abandoned the FGO subreddit as More Trouble Than It's Worth 2+ years ago when Göttdamnitshot first came out, I remember there being a bunch of comics of Ophelia and Mash stuff being produced, but I never looked because of avoiding spoilers, so it's hard to find anything other than like
one or two such things
It occurs to me that my quartz may be safe this Halloween. During Sitonai’s intro scene, I liked her a lot and thought it would overcome my anti-“having that final ascension” bias..........but then she basically had no more scenes so she’s going to have to show up in Oniland if she wants a chance to appeal again.