4 years ago
A slightly belated Event Log for Lunasa Celebrations! This will be the only mod-posted log this month, as the next upcoming events are all player plots!
latest #17
4 years ago
mods working so hard, thank you
4 years ago
thank you!
4 years ago
4 years ago
"shoulder-pads and glitter" i'm dying. thank you mods
oh my god this couldn't possibly be more well-timed lmao
look upon what you hath wrought and be pleased, mettaton
the natives taking the wrong right fashion lessons from all these other worlds
they're very impressionable!
slurm lord
4 years ago
shoulders for years
4 years ago
papyrus is just such a good model... and mettaton is just so beautiful, and glimmering
slurm lord
4 years ago
glitter forever
4 years ago
Thank you, mods! This looks like fun.
omg.... these are so cute........ i love these prompts so much
i don’t think i’ll be participating but i’ll certainly be eagerly stalking 👀
UT fashion spreading as it was always meant to
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