4 years ago
8 years (?) since the break of the UI/UX term and digital product design come into popularity, I wonder why there's still many meributkan dan menanyakan beda UI dan UX apa? (headspin)
4 years ago
dan liat ribut2 bbrp waktu lalu di twitter ttg FE dan UI Designer, jadi agak kebayang kenapa tiap meetup dan kumpul event masih banyak pertanyaan tentang "gimana cara kolaborasi sama eng dan semacamnya".
4 years ago
I guess I took many of collaborative spirits and collaboration effort here between product designer and engineers as granted. it's a total privilege to have a collaborative environment to create a digital product.
4 years ago
and designers that report and have actual design leadership, not mended with product team, or worse, eng team.