YAY! I was just thinking about you yesterday!
I knew you werent cause of that hit and run in lorie's plurk but YAY!!!
it's the only way to welcome someone back and make them wanna stay
ll take it down four notches if that isn't doing it for you

me as fuck right now
also fuck hi
faetan we used to be friends.... but it's been.... 84 years.....
AHAHAHA Bruh that pic is us all rn
Time to lounge seductively and let DiCaprio draw pictures of us.
oh god im. not the foxy lady i once was, lets not.....
Fuck the grapes! If DiCaprio is gonna draw me, I'd like to be holding his Oscar. Seductively. Maybe not seductively but you know. Hilariously.
If I get to choose, I prefer not dead.
Gnawing on the Oscar's head.
Nope! Not dead. Just... trapped in video games
since I last visted pokefarm!
Okay fine let me just grab my fuckin' Sephiroth pillow so we can be accurate to real life then
But yes! Video games! I have played many of them. Including one I see'd Ryoko mention!
When it came out for PC because fuck you playstation, I ain't gonna buy yo non backwards compliant ass just to play Detroit Become Human
Also, Fallout and Elder Scrolls Online.
nnghh goddamn elder scrolls with the grinding and the magical lands of Elsweyr
I am a gamer! It is what I do! I mostly main Xbox One but I have PS4 too. And when the new consoles come out I'm gonna buy them. They promise to be backwards compatible and I got a lotta games I wanna play again
I am so glad you like DBH yaaaaay!
I have a Kamski and a Gavin muse and those are fresh
I write DBH fic, let me know if you want links!
All my games wind up being puzzle games and farming simulators.
Picross is so addictive, man.
My actual, actual main game is Dead by Daylight. I been playing for over four years and have 1,900+ hours in it.
I have not played that game!
Alas, I am a console gamer. But Dead by Daylight is going to introduce crossplay soon so we should be able to play
Picross is like...a picture crossword. There are numbers along the top and side of a grid that tell you how many boxes you need to color in, and you have to figure out which ones they are based on those numbers. If you fill them all in correctly, it makes a little picture.
This seems like something Near would enjoy!
There are all kinds of variations, like a 3D version where you break blocks to uncover the shape inside, and a color version.
I actually played a video game this year, but then the game let me save at an unwinnable point and I gave up in despair and never got back to it.
It was called Death Mark. And I would have recommended it up to that point!
I guess the full name is Spirit Hunter: Death Mark.
Interesting looking game!
It was pretty much adventure game/visual novel style, but it had a nice creepy atmosphere.
You didn't have a previous save you could go back to?
I have one, but way back at the beginning of the level.
So it's not impossible, but it seemed like such a slog that I said I'd get back to it later and then...never did.
I even had a feeling that I needed this one particular character with me who had a certain skill, but I thought, surely they wouldn't let me get this far without them if that's the only way to beat this level's ghost.
Ah yes. The cruelty of devs.
I tried to add you on Steam, but it cannot find you.
Oh thre's a link thing now? Um
Or maybe you invited me directly? Either way, there you are.
Look upon my wasted hours I guess!
uhhhh dont be alarmed when I friend yall
Look upon my "only if it's Danganronpa, I guess" gaming history!
It doesn't really count because I only tried it once and it gave me a headache.

Portal is one of my favorites!
Mr. Lorie tried to convince me that I just needed to get used to it, but I'm wary.
Somewhere along the line I became a person who gets motion sick.
Oh no! That's awful. I hate when video games do that shit to you.
Now I am sad that I am not a steam person!
I want to be friends
jeglikkerdet cause i suck atfinding people on here apparently
Try clicking that link above, Megan!
But I only have a Chromebooks
I thought I was cool enough to hang
Or is it like if you're new you can only have so many friends?
I absolutely said it that way on purpose
in case anyone was wondering
2020 just got a whole lot better /o/