4 years ago
I don't currently plan to put Leslie up on the emoji meme since I have been, um, notably absent, but I wanted to note that 1) the people who replied to Leslie's replies have warmed my heart and made me smile and 2) have made me laugh because she's collected more "I would kill for you" than "I would hug you or hold your hand," which, you know, fair.
latest #24
4 years ago
She's 3/3 on "I would hang out with you" and "I would rescue you," followed by "I respect you," "I'm worried about you," and "I would kill for you." It seems Leslie continues to provoke the same reactions in her CR as in canon relationships.
4 years ago
(Those followed by ones are all two each. Hector picked up all of those.)
asuka brain
4 years ago
everyone all liam neeson in taken
4 years ago
It's probably for the best that it's very unlikely for anyone to want to play one of Leslie's abusers in RP, because it'd be impossible for them to app to Aefenglom.
4 years ago
Hector isn’t good at physical comfort, but he’s decent at murder. Just working to his strengths here
4 years ago
She does know he started learning that one early.
4 years ago
She's probably not aware of how much practice he's had since, though her response would vary depending on "did they deserve it." She hangs out with Hubert with full knowledge that he's killed a bunch of people but she thinks he only did it to people who deserved it.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Oh, he and Edelgard have already talked about the Sperados.
4 years ago
I tell a lie, she's got the idea that Hubert's probably killed some people who didn't deserve it, but "killed a few people who mightn't have been really evil to prevent many more non-evil people dying on a battlefield" is currently a big ????? in her moral calculus and so she withholds judgment on those ones.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
The Sperados would most definitely disappear.
4 years ago
In seconds, I imagine.
4 years ago
Especially since with the mirror memories Hubert in particular got to see the whole family so there'd be no problem in identifying them.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Oh, please. They're civil. They'd be invited to tea, first.
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
(Leslie go to Lorenz' they'll pick you up later)
4 years ago
I laughed.
4 years ago
(Leslie thinks she should be involved when it comes to the Sperados getting their just desserts, but I expect that'd get vetoed.)
Fiend Matador
4 years ago
Somethingsomething little details she shouldn't be burdened with.
4 years ago
Sorry you get no hover text but I must do normal tags now, and braining....
4 years ago
A fair assessment.
4 years ago
braining hard
4 years ago
kittylyoko: My heart was still warmed, so I am very happy to get them as non-hover text.
4 years ago
hello, is it ok if i add you on plurk since geralt is inadvertently getting attached to this child
4 years ago
I'd be very happy for that! Thank you for asking first, but I was thinking that I should look into that myself sometime.
4 years ago
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