4 years ago
Is there a cutpaste of "Dear artist, someone is selling your stuff on Second life. Second life is - - -. They make real money. This is how you file a DMCA - - -. "? There's someone I wanna toss under a bus but I'm not sure I'd be able to explain the platform, how to DMCA (since i never have had to myself) properly. Big corp, not little indi artist mind you.
latest #9
4 years ago
And when I say throw under the bus, i mean this brand deserves it because this some straight up IP copying bullllllshit so I need to bring it to the attention of said devs. <3 No witch hunt here, just if you rip a game you run the risk folks...
4 years ago
if it's a gaming company they'll have a legal department typically and know how to file dcmas
4 years ago @Edit 4 years ago
I don't have a cutpaste for you, but I've sent a rip to a legal team before and told them someone as profiting off their IP
4 years ago
It has surprised me every time I run across meshes that have obviously been ripped from games (especially the bigger gaming corporations) because they HAVE to know someone is going to recognize it and alert said company sooner or later.
just corvi
4 years ago
hence why I avoid Better Gnomes and Cauldrons like the plague. All their stuff is rips from games. Things are constantly being removed and they just rip something else and put it out.
4 years ago
Ah alright, yeah i got their legal dept info to send it to from a dev so I guess Ive got my homework this weekend. rolls up sleeve
4 years ago
I wish I played more games so I could recognise these people in SL and avoid their content
4 years ago
MarkusSlingshot3: Same, honestly. My experience goes as far as World of Warcraft these days.
just corvi
4 years ago
Typically if it's full perm but doesn't come with the map textures, be suspicious.
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