Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
[CW illness talk including covid mention] big "is this normal bad-body or am I dying" energy today
latest #30
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
so way back at the end of march I went to the ER for what I think was a panic attack triggered by breathing discomfort I'd been having
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
I didn't have a fever or cough, they gave me a chest x-ray and found nothing
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
so they assumed it was bronchitis and gave me an albuterol inhaler
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
then I went home and proceeded to suffer from chills for the next few days, fatigue, and some minor gi issues and loss of appetite
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
now AT THE TIME none of that was really being looked at as a covid symptom, but over the course of like, April, we started to expand the scope of what we were looking for in atypical presentations
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
and this was so early that idek if they had tests available anyway
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
then I would later find out that my DM, who I had last seen about a week and a half before this, though she picked up Covid from a friend who got it from PAX
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
and there's basically a perfect two week timeline between the three of us being sick
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
so tl;dr I think I had a mild case of covid back in March that was never diagnosed but I can't actually prove it
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
now I said all of that to say that covid or not I've been experiencing recurrent symptoms every few weeks more or less since it happened
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
the main one being chest pain, mostly when I breathe deeply
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
now, this could still be pneumonia or bronchitis, as symptoms lingering for at this point three months from either one of those is not unheard of
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
and it usually lasts a few days then goes away for a week or two, and isn't accompanied by any like, actual shortness of breath or reduce lung capacity or anything else
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
but today I feel awful. Same chest pain, a little bit of light headedness, no appetite and upset stomach
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
but I'm like do I feel awful enough to go to the emergency room? Not really
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
and still no fever or cough, or shortness of breath
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
I think I'm just at a point of this has been going on for so long that not seeing someone feels irresponsible but also I don't expect them to actually do anything??? like "yeah idk maybe you had covid, no way to know. call us if you're on your deathbed"
4 years ago
That’s the absolute worst – and, not to worry you, or to say that this is what is happening, but the long-term recurring symptoms is something that happens
4 years ago
as far as I understand, it’s not like it suddenly spikes in severity again? It’s just on and off shitty for weeks or months after the fact
4 years ago
but I know a few other people who are dealing with the same thing :c
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
yeah, that's my understanding of it too
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
but it's one thing to know that intellectually and another to try and like, live with it
TENtacle :3c
4 years ago
ah man, that really sucks. the uncertainty on top of the symptoms you're experiencing too.
4 years ago
ouch, yeah...
Sun Pumpkin
4 years ago
It’s so fucking frustrating we can’t have tests!
Sun Pumpkin
4 years ago
I’m sorry you have to deal with this
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
Thanks. I'm feeling better than I was when I wrote this, which is like. Part of it
Exegetic Gains
4 years ago
a few days of symptoms then normal
Sun Pumpkin
4 years ago
You could see if you can call a dr and ask and see if testing is possible, instead of going to the office. At least here they do the testing elsewhere
4 years ago
yeah, a remote appointment is definitely the way to go
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