[A:tLA] back on this. Ep12: The Storm.
latest #34
Uncle Iroh continues to be a gift.
I love Zuko a bit more every episode
I'm liking the two-origin-stories-in-one
spooky faceless fire lord
Lightning Bender Iroh
Katara why are you asking the lemur to fetch water
ugghhhh Zuko you soft boy
Christ how many times has Aang been captured already
100% here for Aang hopelessly crushing on Katara
my only gripe about this show so far is how these kids turn on each other so easily.
tho I guess they are just kids.
God Zuko how many times do you need to get your ass kicked by this kid before you realise you can't beat him one on one.
4 years ago
i think the turning on aang in bato of the watertribe is more complicated than that as katara and sokka have been waiting to hear from their father for so long but they also understand why aang did it (given that they do indeed want to go meet with their dad asap/aang doesn't have anyone else, he only has them),
4 years ago
but them deciding to stay with aang also really cements them as family too now (like katara has said it before but there's a difference between saying it, the urgency created by winter solstice, and the later stages of ok well would literally die for you)
radically: I didn't just mean that time. and yeah, I get why they were angry about the map.
I keep hearing voices I recognise and being like
4 years ago
yeah I know!! I just figured that's where you were in your watch, as that would prompt the thought
It was something I was already noticing being a trend
ahhh I love Teo. I hope he's in it again
oooo Zhao needs to get what's coming to him
ffff Iroh sings
Yue is prettyyyyy
Yesss more Yue
... He's fine right... he didn't take his hair out of that ponytail yet so I know he must be fine
oh god he's one of them https://images.plurk.com/68f5biiHMCzzDT1osDK46u.jpg
https://images.plurk.com/7f60ioHGy6QHUzJrDN07oG.jpg BROKEN SOBBING
okay, Koh was easily the creepiest thing I've see in this show so far.
big Ghibli vibes on that Ocean Spirit form
looooove the ocean spirit form
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