Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
[graphic design is my passion] please tell me how this reads ive looked at it for too long https://images.plurk.com/3KH9Vem7txS2ssv9hXOnAB.png
latest #42
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
please click him so he can have a white background
4 years ago
puzzle piece with a heart on it?
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
i know abt the puzzle piece discourse but this is for work and they still use it so HERE I AM
I'll be real it reads like puzzle pieces at first. but then the puzzle pieces start to look a little like people and it starts to look inappropriate to my brain
but that may be me
puzzle pieces with a heart but also a strong guy lifting up a surprised guy
so dimitri about to slam dunk sylvain or felix
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Please do be REAL - I'm no graphic designer at all my company won't pay one so now.. I must do my best
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Jade I love your interpritatiom heheheh
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
NUG YOURE NOT THE FIRST TO COMMENT ON THE HEART in a weird place, I'll try moving it around tomorrow and see if I can place it somewhere less weird
graphic design is not my passion but it is my living so i....try.....
you might try incorporating the heart into the negative space of one of the puzzle pieces and maybe it would be less likely to invoke suggestive imagery
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
YEAH THE LAST THING I WANT IS FOR IT TO BE SUGGESTIVE AT ALL we work w kids kfkejfjejdjejcjeme
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I'm planning on moving the heart around and also maybe playing with the shape of the bigger puzzle so its less person shaped
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I'll return tomorrow...
4 years ago
I can't get it to have a white background for me
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
4 years ago
good luck, logos r hard
4 years ago
I mostly saw the puzzle and then the dude on the bottom but once people pointed out the second dude, I see that too
I see a little dude carrying a really big puzzle piece and also a heart?
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I was going for small dude on the bottom hugging a puzzle piece!! so I'm glad the dude on the bottom reads at least
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
cos thats what i was concerned about
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
but having the bigger puzzle look like a seperate dude w heart pubes is NOT... IDEAL...
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
also they want words incorporated with this so RIP me i guess
to me it looks like the small dude at the bottom is carrying something on his back/shoulders rather than hugging.
logos are hard though... good luck :c
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
INTERESTING...! Thanks for the well wishes - I'm only working on it on the clock when I have free moments so I won't drive myself insane
it does suck that they dumped this on you instead of just hiring somebody to do it or even seeking out some pro bono work
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
We are having a contest for a design and then I ALSO have to make one
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
I have several other ideas I've just really liked this one so far so I'm sinking time into it
oh whoops my bad i shouldn't have assumed
I've seen a lot of shit
if you wanna be the coolest kid on the block i rec vectoring whatever you're doing in inkscape and it'll be SCALEABLE, WOW, INSTANT CONTEST WINNER
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
Pumpkin Bumpkin
4 years ago
and no worries nug - businesses CONSTANTLY just shove grapic design onto anyone Dx
4 years ago
the biggest struggke
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