4 years ago
State of the RP and then I'll go submit my AC
latest #19
4 years ago
Damn I really died this month, huh
4 years ago
Things should hopefully pick up soon now that my health and med issues have more or less evened back out, but I'm struggling with looking at my inbox and just feeling my urge to write die beneath my fingers
4 years ago
I've slipped into overthinking my tags and am struggling with Sven's voice just a bit, hopefully that'll pass once I wrap up on some of these threads and start something new. Thinking about making a journals/reviving old ones for old OCs so I can have a casual meme-character to "pallet cleanse" with. My soul needs to RP an asshole muse again
4 years ago
Anyways, I'm sorry to people I promised tag outs to on events etcetera and then didn't follow through. I should know better than to offer myself up for new things when I'm already struggling with the stuff currently in my inbox............I need to clear a couple threads by either dropping them or committing hard to burning through em
4 years ago
tryna avoid dropping anything unless I really have to, but if a thread is just going nowhere or I've run out of ideas then it might be better than just stewing over it
4 years ago
4 years ago
I think ours should be okay? But no pressure/rush, especially as I'm on hiatus myself. |D
4 years ago
jellefish ✿
4 years ago
i think our beach one is good to either wrap up or drop soon if necessary c:
4 years ago
Autistic_Ace no worries chum, yours isn't one of the ones I'm stuck on (well........I'm stuck on writing tags As A Whole Thing but I feel like I can work out a reply on both our threads)
4 years ago
queeningsquare ty friend!! we're probably approaching wrap-up soon so I shall commit to getting back on that
4 years ago
Sven and Alice are having such a precious moment I WILL SEE IT THROUGH
jellefish ✿
4 years ago
yes and once it's wrapped up we can def have more precious moments in the future
4 years ago
heck yea
4 years ago
4 years ago
I know linking the threads was wholly unnecessary but! I had to go through them manually to remember what i'd done anyway
4 years ago
super glad I'm the kind of person who keeps an up to date tracker anyway (or tries to, at least), but maybe I should start marking the ones that qualify for the monthly bonus
4 years ago
there's probably more may threads I could have linked if I squinted a little harder at them but EH, EFFORT
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