Phogue wonders
15 years ago
were the soldiers justified in killing the pirates in order to rescue that captain?
latest #14
Andrew_Thomas says
15 years ago
I don't think there's ever an acceptable reason to kill somebody...but they shouldn't of kidnapped him in the first palce
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
I think so. First, they have taken many more people of different countries hostage than just the U.S. captain.
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
However, on Yahoo I believe there is an article that says that the killings may cause a surge of piracy.
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
What about the reprocussions now from the pirates who are seeking revenge?
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
I don't think that they wanted to kill the pirates, but if they tried other motives and the pirates left them no other choice...
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
then what they did was the only thing they could do. And the effects of that we will have to face.
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
but what about the pirates who are noww sweating revenge on the US and French?
MsHoffy says
15 years ago
i mean swearing revenge
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
Well, what I do do is try to talk to them first, then turn to violence as a last resort.
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
But they are also pirates, they attack boats all the time don't they? So they one time they are attacked for being immoral...
MPierleoni says
15 years ago
gives them the right to hate the U.S. and French for trying to correct their wrong?
getzziii says
15 years ago
the captain is a hostage who is under the eminent threat of death... how else are the soldiers supposed to respond to that?
ShaCarlay says
15 years ago
if someone was threatening me or someone i know like that, i would want them dead. i would take care of them myself if i had to!
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